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How to cook veal veal

How to cook veal veal
How to cook veal veal

Video: How to cook Veal escalope with Caponata - Gordon Ramsay - Tasty quick easy to cook 2024, July

Video: How to cook Veal escalope with Caponata - Gordon Ramsay - Tasty quick easy to cook 2024, July

Properly cooked oven veal just melts in your mouth, has an incredible aroma and taste. The dish is simple, so even a novice cook will cope with it, if he adheres to the recipe.


Pick your recipe

For cooking, you need to carefully approach the choice of the main ingredient - meat. It is best to purchase a chilled tenderloin of young veal. Color should be red, but not burgundy. Pay attention to fat: if it is yellow, you have old meat in front of you, which as a result can turn out to be incredibly tough.

To cook a veal, you will need:

- 1 kg of meat; - 100 ml of sunflower or olive oil; - 4 tbsp finished mustard; - a few cloves of garlic; - 50 g of ghee; - ground black pepper; - salt; - spices.

If you do not plan to make a side dish separately, prepare any vegetables to your taste that can be baked with a piece of meat. Bell pepper, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, etc. are excellent for this purpose.

Prepare the meat for baking. If necessary, if there are small bones on the tenderloin, rinse the piece with cold water, put on a towel and wait for the moisture to drain. Strip the meat from the films, and you can leave the fat - it's up to you.

Combine herbs, mustard, garlic, salt, black pepper and olive or sunflower oil. You can choose spices to your liking, but tarragon, rosemary, oregano, etc. are perfectly combined with veal. Mix the components.

Lubricate a piece of beef with the resulting marinade and leave for at least a few hours. If you have time, it is better to prepare and marinate the meat a day before its preparation. In this case, the tenderloin should be stored in the refrigerator in an enamel bowl.

If you plan to bake vegetables with meat, wash them, peel and chop arbitrarily. Lightly salt and drizzle with oil, put in the refrigerator. While you are working with meat, excess juice drains from vegetables.

Meanwhile, put the pan on the stove, put the melted butter and wait until it melts. Place a piece of veal and fry on both sides until golden brown - the meat should not be completely fried, otherwise it will be dry and tasteless.

Put the fried tenderloin in a baking dish. If you prepared vegetables, lay them next to the veal. Pour the remaining marinade. Place the food form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

After 30-40 minutes, pierce the meat and see what color the juice is. When it is transparent, the dish is ready. If not, wait another 10-15 minutes. Cooking time directly depends on the features of your oven.

If you do not have time to stand and check the readiness of the meat, bake veal at low temperatures. To do this, heat the oven to 100 degrees and put the form with meat. In this case, the baking time will be about 2 hours.

After cooking brass beef, cut a piece across the fibers. If you wish, you can sprinkle the meat with fresh herbs. Serve with vegetables or any other side dish. True gourmets can improve the taste by adding ketchup or any other sauce.

The secret to a delicious dish is simple - selected foods. Try to carefully choose the ingredients. The fresher the meat, the juicier it will turn out.

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