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How to glaze gingerbread cookies

How to glaze gingerbread cookies
How to glaze gingerbread cookies

Video: How to Make Royal Icing (Plus, Coloring and Consistency Adjustments) 2024, July

Video: How to Make Royal Icing (Plus, Coloring and Consistency Adjustments) 2024, July

Homemade gingerbread cookies can become real works of art if you decorate them with multi-colored sweet glaze, draw ornaments and patterns on them.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 250 grams of powdered sugar;

  • - 1 egg white;

  • - food colorings.

Instruction manual


In order to glaze the gingerbread cookies, take the required amount of powdered sugar and put it in a small deep bowl. Then break one egg, separate the protein from the yolk, and then add the egg white in a bowl to the icing sugar. Thoroughly mix the ingredients to a homogeneous mass, make sure that there are no lumps left.


If your icing for gingerbread is too liquid, add a small amount of icing sugar, if the icing, on the contrary, is too thick, add boiled water. Remove the finished glaze in a special freeze bag or regular plastic bag. Such glaze is useful for gingerbread strokes.


Make a small hole in the corner of the bag. Cook the gingerbread cookies and start making a contour on them with a thick glaze. Drawing the lines with glaze, stop in all corners so that the lines have the exact shape of a gingerbread.


When you make the contours for all the gingerbread cookies, leave them to dry. At this time, prepare the icing to fill the gingerbread. This type of glaze should be more liquid in contrast to the glaze for the contour, so add a small amount of boiled water, as well as food coloring, to the mixture, mix thoroughly the resulting mass.


When the outline on the gingerbread cookies dries, start painting the gingerbread with colored glaze. It is best to fill with a small brush. Apply glaze evenly, if bubbles begin to form on the surface, gently burst them with a toothpick. You can correct the curved lines of the contour with a toothpick, if the line turned out to be not what you wanted, carefully remove it and draw a new one.


When all the gingerbread cookies are glazed, leave them to dry completely, then you can make drawings on them with glaze of a different color.


Glazed gingerbread cookies are ready, serve them with hot tea.


There are special dyes for glaze, but if you did not find them, feel free to use ordinary food colors, dilute them with a little water before use, and then add to the glaze.

It is not necessary to completely color the gingerbread cookies with the prepared glaze, you can draw drawings on the gingerbread with it, make an ornament or pattern.

Gingerbread cookies in such a glaze will be an excellent decoration of the festive table.

Useful advice

If in the future the finished glaze is still useful to you, store it under a damp cloth, otherwise it will be covered with a sugar crust.

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