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How to ferment Ivan tea at home

How to ferment Ivan tea at home
How to ferment Ivan tea at home

Video: Full process of making Ivan tea 2024, July

Video: Full process of making Ivan tea 2024, July

Nowadays, lovers of natural products are increasingly beginning to ferment independently Ivan-tea at home, getting a ready-made component for a pleasant and healthy tea party. Fermentation is a process of drying and air oxidation of the leaves of a harvested plant.


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Instruction manual


Fermenting willow-tea at home follows from correctly collected and sorted leaves of this plant. It is best to collect ivan tea in June or August, when it is just beginning to bloom. The collection area should be at a sufficient distance from roads and other contaminated places. The leaves of plants located on the shady side of forest glades are softer, easier to twist and fermentation.


When collecting willow tea, hold the stem near the peduncle with one hand, and with the other hold down to the middle of the stem, so that the lower leaves, the coarsest and bitter, remain intact (there should be 3-4 lower tiers). In this case, you will not harm the plants, which in the future will continue to bloom and give seeds.


Proceed to the steps that precede the fermentation of willow-tea - withering and twisting. Sprinkle the leaves on a blank sheet of paper or newspaper with an even layer, which should be about 5 centimeters thick. Leave for one day to make them lethargic. From time to time, turn the leaves with your hand to avoid excessive drying of the outermost and highest. Next, start twisting the finished leaves between two palms into small sausages until they darken and begin to secrete juice.


Start fermenting willow-tea at home by laying the twisted leaves in a tray or bowl with a 5-centimeter layer. Cover with a wet cloth and set for maturation in a warm place for 12 hours. At a sufficiently high air temperature, fermentation proceeds better and faster, so if possible, consider places for keeping such as a sunlit window sill or a greenhouse in a summer cottage. Ready-made leaves change their light grassy aroma to floral and rich. Be careful not to overdo the plant, otherwise the tea brewed in the future will have an unpleasant smell and taste.


After fermentation of willow tea, it is dried. Finely chop the leaves and spread them in a thin layer on a baking sheet, previously covering it with parchment, then place in the oven. Dry for one hour at a temperature of 100 degrees. The shade and shape of classic black tea will speak about the readiness of the product, while the tea leaves should break when squeezed, and not crumble into dust.


It is important to properly store dried and ready-to-brew Ivan tea so that it does not lose its aroma and beneficial properties. Storage packaging should be sufficiently tight. A glass jar with a plastic lid is best suited for this role. Keep the product in a dark and dry place. With proper storage, tea after 1-2 months after fermentation acquires an even stronger, rich and aromatic taste.

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