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How to Stuff Peppers: Recipes

How to Stuff Peppers: Recipes
How to Stuff Peppers: Recipes

Video: How to Make Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers | The Stay At Home Chef 2024, July

Video: How to Make Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers | The Stay At Home Chef 2024, July

Stuffed peppers are a surprisingly tasty and healthy dish. There are many recipes for making the filling, but peppers stuffed with meat and rice are the most popular.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - pepper;

  • - chopped meat;

  • - rice;

  • - sour cream;

  • - carrot;

  • - tomato paste;

  • - onion;

  • - garlic.

Instruction manual


Cooking stuffed peppers does not take much time. Boil the rice in salted water and drop it onto a sieve to completely glass the water. Mix rice with minced meat. Rinse the peppers under running water and cut off the top on which the tail is located. Carefully remove all seeds and rinse the inside of the vegetables.


Peel the onions and cut into small cubes. Wipe the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat a dry skillet and pour a little vegetable oil into it. Sauté the onions until golden brown. Then add carrots to the onion and fry the vegetables until cooked. Grind the garlic and add to the onions and carrots.


Mix the minced meat with fried vegetables and a little sour cream and stuff the prepared peppers with it. Put the stuffed peppers in a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, and fill with a mixture made from tomato paste and sour cream, taken in equal volumes. Warm the oven to 180-200 ° C. Place the form with peppers on a medium level. Bake peppers for 30-40 minutes. The finished dish is decorated with chopped dill or parsley.


You can cook stuffed peppers in a pan. To do this, fill the workpiece with water so that it completely covers the stuffed vegetables. Place the pot over high heat and bring its contents to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heating to medium, and close the pan tightly with a lid. Stew peppers for 40 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the pan on the stove for another 10 minutes. Peppers served with sour cream or sauce.


Almost every housewife has their own recipe for stuffed peppers. You can add grated cheese to the minced meat, cook lean peppers filled with mushroom and vegetable filling. You can fry peppers in a pan before stewing or baking.


When growing bell pepper in a summer cottage, you can prepare vegetables for stuffing for the future. To do this, remove the top of the vegetable along with the tail, remove the seeds and scald the peppers with boiling water. Fold the prepared vegetables in plastic bags and place in the freezer.

Useful advice

To make the stuffed pepper look the most appetizing, choose vegetables of different colors, approximately the same in size and shape. Curved peppers are not suitable for stuffing, as it is difficult to fill the whole interior with minced meat.

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