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What dishes to cook with bacon

What dishes to cook with bacon
What dishes to cook with bacon

Video: 14 Easy Bacon Recipes For Dinner 2024, July

Video: 14 Easy Bacon Recipes For Dinner 2024, July

Fatty bacon goes well with eggs, potatoes, dough. Try a few dishes that are prepared quickly, get very nutritious and high-calorie. They can be served for breakfast or dinner, complemented by a green salad or fresh vegetables.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Eggs with bacon:
  • - 4 eggs;

  • - 4 slices of bacon;

  • - 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Bacon Fritters:
  • - 1 egg;

  • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;

  • - 150 ml of milk;

  • - 4 slices of bacon;

  • - salt;

  • - vegetable oil for frying.
  • Pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon:
  • - 30 g of flour;

  • - 30 g of oatmeal;

  • - 4 eggs;

  • - 2 tomatoes;

  • - 280 ml of milk;

  • - 125 g of bacon.
  • Potato fritters:
  • - 6 potatoes;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter;

  • - 60 g of bacon;

  • - 1 egg;

  • - salt;

  • - ghee for frying.

Instruction manual


Eggs with bacon

Cut off the skin pieces from the bacon and put them in a pan with heated vegetable oil. Let the fat heat over low heat, add the peeled bacon and fry it well on both sides. Remove the skins, toast the fried slices of bacon to one side. Break eggs into a pan one by one and fry them over moderate heat. When the protein sets, slightly tilt the pan, scoop up the fat with a teaspoon and pour the scrambled eggs on it. Serve the dish hot, along with wheat or rye croutons.


Bacon Fritters

This hearty meal can be served for breakfast. Sift the flour. Beat eggs with salt and milk, add flour in portions. Knead the dough with a consistency resembling thick sour cream.


Fry thin slices of bacon in preheated lard. Remove the bacon from the pan and place it in the heat. Reduce the heat and spoon the dough into a hot fat pan. When the fritters are toasted on one side, turn them over. Put finished products on heated plates and pour hot fat with slices of bacon. Serve the pancakes hot.


Pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon

Pancakes stuffed with fried bacon and scrambled eggs - a dish rather laborious. Serve it for Sunday breakfast, accompanied by fresh sour cream and black tea. From the specified number of products, three servings of pancakes are obtained. Peel the bacon off the skin and fry in olive oil until crisp. Cut the tomatoes into slices and bake in the grill. Keep the bacon and vegetables warm.


In a deep bowl, mix sifted wheat flour and oatmeal with an egg. Add salt, 150 ml of milk and beat the dough until smooth. Heat a little vegetable oil in a pan and pour 3 tablespoons of the dough onto it. Turn the pan to distribute it throughout the bottom. Wait until the bottom of the pancake is browned, and turn it over to the other side. So make three pancakes.


Mix the remaining milk with 3 eggs and salt. Beat the mixture and fry it on both sides. Divide the resulting omelet into three parts. Place scrambled eggs, bacon and tomato slices on each pancake. Fold the pancakes in half and serve.


Potato fritters

Peel the potatoes and boil it in salted boiling water. Mash the tubers in mashed potatoes by adding butter and salt. Add the egg and bacon into thin strips. Make small flat cakes from the mixture and fry them in ghee until golden brown. Serve the pancakes hot with sour cream or tomato sauce.

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