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How to peel asparagus

How to peel asparagus
How to peel asparagus

Video: How to Peel Asparagus | Sunset 2024, July

Video: How to Peel Asparagus | Sunset 2024, July

Despite the fact that asparagus is not the cheapest vegetable, it can be increasingly seen on our tables in the form of a side dish or seasoning. And do not be confused by the variety of colors - from white to violet-green. Asparagus is a very easy-to-use product, and there is no need for special efforts when cleaning it.


Pick your recipe

You will need

- knife or potato peeler

Instruction manual


Do not forget to wash them thoroughly before working with any vegetables (asparagus is no exception - rinse it under cool water).


It is necessary to get rid of the dry fibrous tip of the asparagus (a place close to the roots of the plant). This is quite simple to do - it easily breaks off in the right place. Usually its length is from 1 to 3 cm, depending on the length of the vegetable itself.


Next you have to figure out how young the vegetable is. If the skin on it is very soft, then you should not cut it off (after all, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, for which you acquire asparagus). It will be enough to carefully cut off the film from the "crown" (head) of the vegetable with a sharp knife.


If the skin is thick and fibrous (as is often the case with white asparagus), then you can not do without a more thorough cleaning. To do this, you need a sharp thin knife, but rather a knife for peeling potatoes (popularly known as the "potato peeler"). Putting the stem on the palm of your hand, start peeling the skin layer by layer from head to bottom, until you reach the juicy core and get rid of all the fibers. Here, in fact, asparagus is ready for further processing!


1. When you buy asparagus, then choose shoots in which the top layer looks stretched. The wrinkled skin of the vegetable indicates that it is on the counter for too long and dries.

2. Thin asparagus stalks require less time for primary processing.

Useful advice

1. The most delicious of asparagus is its upper part, so it requires the most thorough and accurate processing.

2. If you have properly processed asparagus, then you can also freeze it. Soup asparagus and asparagus seasoning are then obtained from it.

3. If, after processing the asparagus, you want to preserve its saturated color, you must lower it in cold water with ice.


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