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How to clean carp

How to clean carp
How to clean carp

Video: How to Catch Clean & Cook Carp - Simple Carp Recipe & Carp Fishing Tips 2024, July

Video: How to Catch Clean & Cook Carp - Simple Carp Recipe & Carp Fishing Tips 2024, July

Cleaning fish is not one of the most enjoyable. Primary processing of fish includes the release of contaminants and mucus, cleaning the scales and directly evisceration. Often the store provides a service such as cleaning fish for a fee. But if you caught the fish yourself, then you will have to clean it at home.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - A sharp knife,

  • - board.

Instruction manual


Rinse the fish thoroughly under a stream of cold water in order to get rid of debris and formed mucus.


Put the fish on the board. Holding it firmly with your left hand, slowly scrape the scales with a sharp knife from the tail to the head. In this case, the knife must be held so that the angle of inclination is small, otherwise the scales will fly apart. Do the same with the other side of the carp.


Now you need to stretch the belly. To do this, pierce the skin near the head with a sharp knife and lead to the anus. Carefully remove all entrails from the carp belly so as not to damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the fish will have an unpleasant bitter taste. Remove the black film that runs inside the peritoneum.


Rinse the fish thoroughly under cold water to get rid of residual mucus and scales.


If the carp is small, you can cook it whole. In this case, the head and fins do not need to be cut off, you should only get rid of the gills. If the carp is large enough, cut off the head, tail and fins, cut into portions. Now you can proceed directly to the preparation of fish.

Useful advice

* To make the fish easier to clean, grab the carp by the tail and lower it into boiling water for one minute, the fish will be cleaned very easily and quickly.

* To prevent fish from slipping out of your hands during cleaning, rub it with salt first.

* When cleaning the scales, try not to press hard on the belly of the fish, this is fraught with rupture of the gallbladder.

* In order to prevent scales from flying in different directions when cleaning carp, it is better to clean it under a stream of cold water.

how to clean carp

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