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How to peel fruit berries

How to peel fruit berries
How to peel fruit berries

Video: How To Slice Every Fruit | Method Mastery | Epicurious 2024, July

Video: How To Slice Every Fruit | Method Mastery | Epicurious 2024, July

Fruit and berry blanks are an excellent source of vitamins in the winter, and many housewives love it. But making tasty stocks is not so simple, this process is very laborious and long. One of the main problems is how to remove a bone without damaging the fetus itself.


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Instruction manual


Removing apple seeds is not a big problem. The easiest way to use a special knife to remove the core, but if it was not at hand, do not worry, manually removing it is also not so difficult. Cut the apple into four parts and cut the core out of each with an ordinary knife.


For pears, the solution is almost the same. The first way is to cut with a knife to remove the core; the second is to cut the pear in half and the teaspoon from each half, take out all the excess. And you can do the same as with apples: cut into four parts and cut the core with a knife.


Peaches and apricots also do not cause any particular problems. Cut the fetus along the "seam" and get the bone: in most cases, it will separate without much effort. Try not to put pressure on a peach or apricot, because they are very soft and easily deformed.


With plums, the story is a little different. There are varieties in which bones do not separate well. In this case, you can put the plum in the refrigerator and leave it there for a couple of days. She will not lose her taste, but the bone will be easily separated from the pulp.


Of course, the most problematic are the fruits of cherries and cherries, because they are very delicate and small, they are easy to damage or crush. Here, each mistress has her own secrets and recipes for dealing with the problem. Someone uses a fork (to pierce the fruit through and through, "hook" the bone and pull the fork with the bone onto itself), someone uses a straw (we pierce the fruit, press the straw on the bone and it comes out). However, there is a simpler solution: a special device for removing seeds from cherry was created, which greatly facilitates this difficult process.


Pears and apples quickly darken and lose their taste, so it’s better to immediately put them into action, otherwise a conceived dish may turn out to be completely tasteless. It is very convenient to work together: one takes out the core, and the second does with the fruit what is required by prescription.

Useful advice

If you often deal with apples and pears, then you will need a special knife to remove the core (do not save on such a knife: cheap ones usually break quickly). If you are a lover of cherries and cherries, then a special machine will help here, which greatly facilitates the process of removing stones. Put the cherry in a special compartment and press the ejector, which will quickly remove the bone without damaging the fetus.

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