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How to cook beef faster

How to cook beef faster
How to cook beef faster

Video: How to boil meat perfectly (TENDER MEAT and RICH STOCK) 2024, July

Video: How to boil meat perfectly (TENDER MEAT and RICH STOCK) 2024, July

Beef is quite tough meat. To make it ready, it was soft, juicy and easy to chew, it needs to be cooked for a long time. But what if time is running out? There are ways you can cook beef faster than usual.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - beef;

  • - 1-2 large onions;

  • - vegetable oil;

  • - salt;

  • - vinegar;

  • - mustard;

  • - pressure cooker.

Instruction manual


Pour half a pan of water and set on high heat. When the water boils, reduce the flame and dip the beef in the pan.


This method is suitable if you only need meat, and you are not going to use the broth. Soup from it will turn out not so aromatic and tasty as if you pour meat with cold water and cook over low heat.


Also, beef will be cooked several times faster if it is not cooked in whole, but cut into small portions. In this case, before cooking, the meat can be slightly fried in vegetable oil in a pan.


Beef can be pickled before cooking. Take 1-2 large onions depending on the amount of meat. Grind them and pour them into a deep bowl. Salt a little.


Make small cuts in a piece of beef. Send the meat to a bowl of onions. Sprinkle with a little vinegar. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Then remove the meat from the onion and cook according to the recipe you need.


Onion composition can be replaced with mustard. Take the prepared mustard, coat it with beef on all sides. Leave on for about half an hour, and then wash well under running water.


If you don’t have time to marinate the meat, add 1-2 teaspoons of the finished mustard to the meat pan. So the beef will turn out softer, and the broth will acquire an unusual taste. If you do not like the mustard taste - do not worry, during the cooking process the taste and smell will disappear.


If the meat is slightly beaten off before the heat treatment with a special hammer or the reverse side of the knife, it will become soft during cooking faster.


Use a pressure cooker for beef dishes. With its help, the cooking time of any cooking is reduced several times.

Useful advice

When buying beef, choose the meat of a young animal. It cooks quickly and tastes juicier. If the product was in the freezer, then defrost it before cooking. It will also help you to sentence beef faster.

to quickly cook meat

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