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How to defrost meat faster

How to defrost meat faster
How to defrost meat faster

Video: How to Defrost Meat Quickly & Safely 2024, July

Video: How to Defrost Meat Quickly & Safely 2024, July

Defrosting meat is a rather lengthy process. In a situation where you need to urgently prepare a meat dish, and there is very little time for this, you need to know how to defrost meat in a short period of time.


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Instruction manual


Many modern microwave ovens are equipped with express defrost function. Using it, you can defrost a small braid of meat in a short period of time, for example, for cooking soup. To defrost it in this way, take a deep dish for the microwave (it’s deep, because during the defrosting process the meat will release a large amount of juice and water) and set it to “defrost” mode. After 5-10 minutes you can use the product for cooking.


If you don’t have a microwave or do not have a defrost function, use another method. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl or large pan, but never hot, and put frozen meat in it. There should be enough water to completely cover it. After 10-15 minutes, remove the meat.


The above methods are only useful if you need to thaw a small piece of meat. The fact is that these methods of defrosting lead to leaching and drying of the natural juices of the meat product, which makes it hard and dry during cooking.


To defrost meat properly, put it in a cup, cover with a damp towel and refrigerate. After 3-4 hours, the meat will thaw. The main advantage of this method is that it does not lose its natural juiciness.

Useful advice

Unfortunately, modern household refrigerators are not able to cope with the task of freezing for a short period of time, so the meat is frozen and thawed unevenly - from the edge to the center. The structure and taste characteristics of such a product are substantially violated. To avoid this, before freezing, divide a large piece of meat into several small ones and put them in bags. In this form, they defrost faster and more evenly.

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