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Zucchini fritters with a secret

Zucchini fritters with a secret
Zucchini fritters with a secret

Video: Zucchini Fritters Turkish Way “Mücver” 2024, July

Video: Zucchini Fritters Turkish Way “Mücver” 2024, July

Zucchini is the most affordable and inexpensive vegetable that can be easily found and quickly cooked. It is very useful, therefore it is often present in many vegetable and meat recipes.


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  • 1 kg of squash (3 pcs);

  • 5 chicken eggs;

  • 1 large bunch of dill;

  • 6 cloves of garlic;

  • 6 tablespoons (with a slide) of flour;

  • 8 tablespoons of a mixture of olive and sunflower oil;

  • black pepper and salt.


  1. Wash the zucchini, wipe and peel, cutting off the stem. If the vegetables are young, then the peel can be left.

  2. Grate peeled zucchini with a combine or manually on a medium (carrot) grater.

  3. Drive all the eggs into a wide and deep container, shake and beat with a whisk.

  4. Wash the dill, dry and cut, as small as possible. Peel and mince the garlic. Add the prepared ingredients to the eggs and beat again.

  5. Combine the egg mass with grated zucchini and mix until smooth.

  6. Sift the flour and introduce it in small portions into the squash mass, mixing everything thoroughly. In this case, the squash mass should not be clogged with flour, otherwise, the pancakes will not become airy.

  7. Pour a mixture of oils into a frying pan and heat it. Note that fry pancakes need to be on medium heat and in a wide skillet.

  8. In hot oil with a tablespoon (with a slide), add 1/3 of the squash mass portionwise, forming pancakes.

  9. Fritters add salt and pepper right in the pan. This is the secret of this recipe, as they quickly absorb salt with pepper and will not become watery.

  10. Fry the first batch of fritters on both sides and put on a dish mishandled with paper towels. Repeat this procedure 2 more times, since the squash dough has 2 more parts left.

  11. Slightly cooled zucchini-pancakes with a secret to decorate with sprigs of parsley and serve with fresh sour cream.

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