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Does persimmon have a laxative effect?

Does persimmon have a laxative effect?
Does persimmon have a laxative effect?

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Video: What Will Happen If You Start Eating Persimmons Every Day (Benefits and Harms of Persimmons) 2024, July

Video: What Will Happen If You Start Eating Persimmons Every Day (Benefits and Harms of Persimmons) 2024, July

The laxative property of persimmons raises a number of questions in modern society. This is due to its multifaceted effect on the human gastrointestinal tract: for some it really causes loose stools, and for others it causes constipation. There are those whose persimmons have no effect on the digestive system. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.


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Persimmon - a fruit or a berry?

The homeland of persimmon is China. It was there that she was dubbed the "apple of the East." From there, she went to Japan, and then spread throughout the globe. Translated from Latin, the word "persimmon" is "the food of the gods." In particular, the ancient Greeks spoke of it so.

Persimmon is not a fruit; it is a nutritious, fibrous and rather sweet berry. Due to its high calorie content, it is recommended for children and athletes. In Russia, its rich bright orange fruits can be seen on store shelves in the autumn.

Despite the fact that persimmon is a berry, not a fruit, it is absolutely not suitable for making fresh juices. It is eaten intact (for example, as a mango), pounded in mashed potatoes. The high sugar content in the fetus does not allow its use to diabetics and overweight people. The dried berry contains even more sugars.

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