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We cook poultry for a buffet

We cook poultry for a buffet
We cook poultry for a buffet

Video: A Michelin-Starred Meal for $1.50 2024, July

Video: A Michelin-Starred Meal for $1.50 2024, July

Sponge cake miniature French cakes of the same size, but with a variety of fillings - a simple and win-win dessert option for a buffet table. Biscuits can be baked in advance and frozen, and thawed, cut and stuffed on the day of serving.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For biscuits:

  • - 175 g butter;

  • - 175 g of sugar;

  • - 3 eggs;

  • - 175 g flour;

  • - 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.
  • For cream:

  • - chocolate paste;

  • - 75 ml cream;

  • - 0.5 orange zest.
  • For lemon Kurd:

  • - 1 lemon;

  • - 1 egg;

  • - 50 g of sugar;

  • - 10-15 g of butter.
  • To decorate:

  • - orange peel;

  • - kiwi;

  • - mascarpone (cream cheese);

  • - strawberries;

  • - icing sugar (for powder).

Instruction manual


Put the softened butter in a deep container, cut into cubes, pour sugar. Add sifted flour mixed with baking powder, enter the eggs. Beat well with a mixer or rub well with a wooden spoon until a uniform dough is formed.


Prepare 6 silicone molds for tall tartlets. Place the molds on a metal pan. Spread half of the dough into molds, leveling the surface with a spatula.


Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. When the biscuits turn golden and spring under the fingers, they are ready.


Cool the baking dish for 15 minutes in a mold, then put on a wire rack until it cools completely. From the remaining dough, bake a second batch of biscuits. A total of 12 pieces.


Prepare a lemon kurd. Light egg-lemon cream is prepared according to the technology of a common custard, in the structure of which, milk is replaced with lemon or any citrus juice. The taste of the cream, depending on the number of lemons, can turn out to be more or less acidic, as a result of which, mandarin or orange juice should be diluted.


Grate lemon zest and combine it with sugar. Make lemon juice and pour in the sugar mixture. Beat a little egg (without foam), enter into a lemon mass. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes for the zest to present its bouquet.


Filter the mixture to separate the zest and particles of under-mixed protein, in order to prevent the appearance of white flakes when heated. Pour the filtered solution into the pan, add softened butter and cook with regular stirring over medium heat until thickened.


Cut the cooled biscuits in half horizontally. Using a spatula knife, spread the lower halves of the ptifuras with the chosen filling: chocolate paste, lemon Kurd or mascarpone.


Squeeze biscuits with chocolate paste with cream whipped with zest, spread kiwi circles on lemon kurd, and strawberry plates fan-shaped on mascarpone.


To do this, grab the berry by the stalk and place it on the board. Perform longitudinal cuts, starting just below the stalk and continuing to the very tip of the strawberry. Press the berry blanks with your fingers and the plates will disperse in the form of a fan.


Cover the cakes with the upper halves, sprinkle with icing sugar, decorate with whole berries, slices of kiwi, lemon peel.

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