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Fruit slicing - a wonderful decoration for your table

Fruit slicing - a wonderful decoration for your table
Fruit slicing - a wonderful decoration for your table

Video: Beautiful Fruit Slicing on the Festive table! Three fruit plates. Cooking at home 2024, July

Video: Beautiful Fruit Slicing on the Festive table! Three fruit plates. Cooking at home 2024, July

A festive feast most often affects digestion, because mainly heavy meat dishes, salads dressed with mayonnaise predominate. To somehow relieve the menu, you can add assorted fruits to the table.


Pick your recipe

Fruit slicing is a beautiful and colorful addition to the festive table. It is especially suitable for wines, tea or coffee, and children will also like this addition to the menu. If you show a little imagination, a fruit plate can become a crown dish.

Almost all fruits, even canned ones, are suitable for slicing. Some housewives combine serving fruit with cheeses or berries. It is not only convenient, it saves space on the table, but also an incredibly beautiful and tasty combination.

In order for the fruit cut to really become the decoration of the table, you need to choose a beautiful dish on which you can place all the splendor. The plate can be monophonic, bizarre, with an unusual pattern, the main thing is that it is flat.

Several types of fruits can be placed on one plate at once: oranges, kiwi, and banana sliced ​​in circles. In the middle of such a delicious splendor, you can put a handful of red forest berries.

Fruit slices can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, this will be an additional decoration.

It is most convenient to cut citrus fruits in circles, except for tangerines, kiwi, bananas, apples and pears. It is enough to cook a sharp knife and a convenient cutting board. You can spread the fruit in circles on a plate, in a pile or in small columns.

Fruit kebabs are very popular at the festive table. To prepare them, you need to stock up with wooden skewers, on which it will be necessary to string fruit pieces. It is best to choose apples, pears, fresh or canned pineapples, melon and watermelon for slicing. Barbecue grapes can not even be cut.

By the principle of fruit skewers, you can cook hedgehogs, the basis of which can be a pear. It is necessary to stick skewers with skewered grapes, bananas, berries. Blueberry and currant may become the nose of a hedgehog. Such a product is especially suitable for a children's holiday, fruit animals will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.

Skewers with fruits can be stuck in half pineapple. This is a very bright and juicy combination, in addition, you can immediately make several options for fruit barbecue and put pineapples in different parts of the festive table.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a suitable plate for serving fruit, but even without it you can perfectly manage and set the table. For example, half a watermelon or a melon can serve as a kind of vase for fruit slices. It is only necessary to first remove the pulp, which is also suitable for filling.

If fruits are placed in such a dish, they must first be cut into slices or squares. It turns out a fruit salad, which you can serve yogurt, ice cream or cream.

Fruit filling can be placed in halves of grapefruit or large oranges. This method of serving is not only beautiful, but also allows serving each dessert a portion. Thus, you can take into account the taste preferences of each guest, put in your citrus fruit bowl your favorite fruits and berries.

If the fruit plate is already tired, tartlets can perfectly replace it. For the filling, you need to cut all the fruits into small pieces and lay them out beautifully. Tartlets are sold in almost any store, they are prepared from shortcrust pastry, which perfectly emphasizes the freshness of the fruit. In addition, the preparation of such a dessert will not take much time.

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