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Desserts without baking: recipes with photos for easy cooking

Desserts without baking: recipes with photos for easy cooking
Desserts without baking: recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: 7 Satisfyingly Easy No-Bake Desserts • Tasty 2024, July

Video: 7 Satisfyingly Easy No-Bake Desserts • Tasty 2024, July

Desserts without baking are made quickly. You can create a diet dish or with high nutritional value. Many varieties involve the use of chocolate, cottage cheese, gelatin, fruits and berries, and therefore are useful.


Pick your recipe

Desserts without baking are great for housewives who do not have time to devote much time to making a culinary masterpiece before the arrival of guests. Among the recipes you can find fairly light dishes, options that will decorate almost any holiday. If you have the necessary components, they can be made in nature.

Cottage Cheese Recipes

The trick is that in the resulting dishes, you can adjust the calorie content, reducing the amount of sugar, replacing it with sugar substitutes. The resulting dishes are useful because cottage cheese has a positive effect on joints, bones, hair and nails.




  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;

  • 15 g of gelatin;

  • 10 g vanilla sugar;

  • 250 g of cottage cheese;

  • 0.5 cups sour cream;

  • 100 g sugar;

  • sweet fruits or dried fruits.

Add gelatin to milk, leave to swell for 20 minutes. Make cottage cheese from cottage cheese, vanilla, sour cream and sugar. You can use a mixer for this. It will allow you to get a magnificent homogeneous mass without lumps.

Prepare fruits or dried fruits by slicing them in small slices. A good addition to the dish is raisins. Heat gelatin, but do not let it boil, otherwise some of the properties will be lost. Combine gelatin in milk, curd, fruit. Put the mixture in a silicone mold, put in the refrigerator for several hours to solidify. In order for the dessert to come out without damage, after hardening, the form is immersed with the lower part in hot water. Dessert is easy to separate from the walls.

Japanese dessert

This homemade dessert is made simple. It will be useful to children, will be the decoration of any table.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese;

  • a tablespoon of sugar;

  • a large spoon of sour cream;

  • 10 dates;

  • 20 pcs. hazelnuts;

  • 0.5 tsp sesame seeds;

  • 0.5 tsp coconut flakes.

First add sugar and sour cream to the curd, mix. If there are seeds in the dates, they must be removed, and 12 nuts cut with a knife. Pour coconut flakes onto the cling film, lay the cottage cheese with a thin cake. In the middle add dates and chopped nuts. Roll up the roll, and then send it for 20 minutes to the refrigerator. Will remain cut into portions. So that the composition does not stick to the knife, the blade is wetted in water. Whole hazelnut nuts are used for decoration.

Oatmeal Desserts

Oatmeal has a positive effect on the digestive tract. For the proposed recipes, you can use both ready-made cookies or made yourself.



  • 500 g cookies;

  • a can of boiled condensed milk;

  • 200 g butter;

  • 100 g chocolate chips;

  • a glass of coffee;

  • walnuts to taste.

A step-by-step recipe starts with making hot coffee. It is used for impregnation, giving the dessert an interesting taste. While the coffee cools, the condensed milk is whipped with butter until smooth. Place a layer of cookies soaked in coffee on a wide plate or stand. Lubricate with cream. On top is another layer of baking. Sprinkle chocolate and nut on top. Chill before serving.

You can independently vary the number of layers of cookies, make the layers more thick. Some housewives make glaze from chocolate. Condensed milk can be used any, but it is better if it is made according to GOST. Serve such a cake with cold or hot tea.

Banana cake

A great option if you need to make dessert quickly. As in the previous version, you will need a drink of black coffee, walnuts and oatmeal cookies. At 700 gr. the last is taken three bananas, a glass of sugar and 600 g of sour cream.

Step by step:

  1. Cut bananas into round slices.

  2. Beat sour cream with sugar.

  3. Place cookies soaked in coffee on parchment.

  4. The next layer is sour cream, fruit slices.

Leave the dessert in the refrigerator until it is saturated with cream. It remains to pull it out, sprinkle with nuts, serve.

There are other recipes based on oatmeal cookies, but almost all of them differ in cream and decoration. You can add other fruits, berries.

Shortbread Treats

Recipes are a real find for those who do not like to waste time cooking. You can buy any cookies. For those who do not like sugary sweets, you can use

Holiday cake

In this recipe, the most time-consuming task is the preparation of the cream. Especially if you give preference to a custard look.


  • milk or shortbread cookies - 36 pcs.;

  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;

  • milk - 500 ml;

  • mahar - 2/3 glasses;

  • egg - 2 pcs.

First make a cream: combine the eggs, sugar. Stir until smooth. Pour flour into the mixture, pour half the milk. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add the remaining milk. Put on minimal heat, heat and stir until there is a consistency, like sour cream.

Put cookies on a tray, coat with cream. Repeat until one of the ingredients is over. The final layer is better to make a cream. Decoration can be matched by anyone. For example, chocolate, sprinkle.

Whip up treat

It will require 350 g of cookies, a can of boiled condensed milk, 120 g of butter. The latter should be left warm to become soft. Beat it with condensed milk. Grind cookies to crumbs. Some cooks put it first in a bag, then carefully knead it with their hands.

It remains to connect all the components to form a cake. To improve the taste characteristics it is worth letting it stand for several hours. Alternatively, small portioned sweets can be made from the mixture.



To prepare it, you will need a kilogram of cookies from puff pastry “Ears”.


  • milk - 1 l;

  • egg - 3 pcs.;

  • sugar - 200 g;

  • flour - 6 tbsp. l.;

  • butter - 150 g;

  • vanillin - 1 g.

Pour half the prepared milk into the pan, beat eggs. It is advisable to mix with a mixer. Gradually add sugar and vanilla. Without stopping, add flour. At this stage, it is important to prevent the appearance of lumps.

Pour the remaining milk into another container, boil. As soon as the bubbles appear, add the mixture cooked with eggs and flour. Beat butter with a mixer until increased in volume. Gradually mix it into the cooked mass. The cream is ready.

Arrange cookies on a tray, grease with cream. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times. Cookies crumbs apply for decoration.

Original recipes

Ricotta and Maksarpone Cake

It will take an average of 20 minutes to cook it.


  • 300 g. Ricotta cheese;

  • 250 g mascarpone cheese;

  • 100 g cane sugar;

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;

  • 50 g of roasted almonds;

  • 75 ml. cream

  • 50 g of dark chocolate;

  • 120 g candied fruit.

Cover any form with several layers of gauze, leaving the edges free. In a combine or using a mixer, mix cheeses, sugar, vanilla. Beat cream, add to the mass with crushed other components. Put the mass in a mold, cover with the edges of the gauze. Put the load on top. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.


Ricotta cheesecake

The recipe is classic. For decoration, you can use various berries or fruits, for example, an apple.


  • 250 g shortbread cookies;

  • 100 g butter;

  • 300 g ricotta;

  • 100 g sour cream;

  • 200 ml of heavy cream;

  • 200 g of sugar;

  • 3 tsp gelatin.

In order for the sweetness to turn out exactly, you can add a little fixer to the cream. It is sold in many pastry departments.

Step by step:

  1. Grind cookies, mix with melted butter. Put in the form, put in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. This layer should not be too compacted, just squeeze a little with a spoon to level the surface.

  2. To prepare the cream, beat the ricotta with sour cream and half sugar. In a separate bowl, whip cream, sugar, and preservative for 5 minutes. Combine the ricotta with cream and soaked, heated gelatin.

  3. Fill the mold with cream, put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Time may be increased.

  4. Garnish with fruits, berries, mint leaves on top. Use of toppings is allowed.

Diet food

There are recipes that contain few calories and carbohydrates. Any girl watching a figure can please them. Experts recommend not using whole eggs for cooking, but only proteins. The basis is usually taken dairy products and fruits.

Fruit jelly cake


  • 1 can of peaches;

  • 4 medium oranges;

  • 100 g pitted cherries;

  • 1 liter multifruit juice;

  • 100 g of almond petals;

  • 20 g of gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in a glass of warm milk. When it melts, add to the juice. If necessary, you can use an extra bit of honey. Peel oranges, cut into slices, cut peaches into pieces.

Take shape, pour over with cold water. Put oranges in the center, surrounded by cherry berries. Peaches will act as an extreme layer. Fry the almond petals in a pan, pour juice into the mold, carefully add the last component. Put dessert in the refrigerator all night.

Dried Fruit Candies

Their difference is a high content of vitamins and minerals. To make sweets, take:

  • 6 pcs dried apricots;

  • 6 pcs prunes

  • 4 things. dates;

  • 50 g almonds;

  • 50 g of walnuts;

  • 1 tbsp. l oat bran;

  • 1 tbsp. l coke shavings.

Nuts are crushed manually or using a blender. Skip dried fruits through a meat grinder, mix with nuts and oatmeal. Roll balls from the resulting mass, roll in coconut. For those who don’t like the last ingredient, you can use cocoa powder or sesame seeds. You can store sweets in the freezer. So they will retain their beneficial properties for a long time.

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