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What you can and what you can’t eat before bedtime

What you can and what you can’t eat before bedtime
What you can and what you can’t eat before bedtime

Video: Why Is Late Night Eating Bad For You? 2024, July

Video: Why Is Late Night Eating Bad For You? 2024, July

Many factors, such as stress or illness, affect sleep quality. However, insomnia can be triggered by malnutrition. Deprived of sound sleep, people probably should reconsider their diet.


Pick your recipe

There are products that positively affect the quality of sleep, and therefore they should be included in your diet for people suffering from insomnia.


Bananas contain a large amount of natural muscle relaxants, such as magnesium and potassium. The amino acid tryptophan contained in these fruits will help to relax before bedtime. The "sleep hormone" melatonin is produced in the body an hour after eating. So snacking is best in an hour and a half before bedtime.

Protein Products

Chicken, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs are just sources of protein. They lower acidity and cause drowsiness. Reducing acidity is a very important factor, since heartburn most often bothers a person at night.


A sandwich with almond oil or a handful of almonds will help to defeat insomnia. Almonds, like bananas, contain a large amount of magnesium, and are also rich in protein. The presence of these substances will help the muscles relax and make falling asleep easier.


It is not for nothing that in childhood, children are given warm milk before bedtime. It’s just a storehouse of calcium, which in turn produces melatonin. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to lose sleep, then you need to drink a glass of warm milk with honey.


Not many products can boast of melatonin content, while cherries are its natural source. And therefore, people suffering from insomnia an hour before bedtime need to drink cherry juice or eat a handful of cherries.

Herbal teas

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, produced from tianin, acts as a sedative and relieves stress. Tyanine is found in green tea, but its positive effect is crossed out by caffeine, which is also found in excess in it. For this reason, green tea needs to be replaced with herbal.


Oatmeal contains a large number of substances that promote healthy sleep: silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. But eating it before going to bed is only necessary unsweetened, since sugar will prevent sleep.

People suffering from sleep disturbances should forget about three foods.


Everyone knows about the caffeine content in coffee. But it is also found in other products, such as chocolate, a dietary supplement, gum, energy, some medicines, such as citramone. It should be noted a different reaction of the human body to this substance. Someone may fall asleep, even after drinking several cups of coffee before going to bed, and someone who drinks a small cup will lose sleep all night.

Fatty food

A light dinner promotes healthy sleep, while greasy, fatty foods can even cause heartburn or indigestion. If it is simply impossible to refuse fatty foods for dinner, then dinner is then necessary 3 hours before bedtime.


Alcohol deprives a good rest because it violates the cycles of REM sleep, thanks to which people see dreams. And the restoration of forces directly depends on these cycles. In addition, with prolonged use of alcohol, daily biorhythms are disrupted, which leads to insomnia.

Which foods are good at bedtime and which are bad

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