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What do we know about chocolate?

What do we know about chocolate?
What do we know about chocolate?

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Video: Everything You Need To Know About Chocolate - Facts About Chocolate - Chocolate Series Ep-1- Bhumika 2024, July

Video: Everything You Need To Know About Chocolate - Facts About Chocolate - Chocolate Series Ep-1- Bhumika 2024, July

Chocolate is a favorite treat of most people on the planet. And you probably realize that it is also useful. Let's get acquainted with all the beneficial properties of sweets. Of course, we will talk about real chocolate.


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Increases brain activity. And this is due to the fact that cocoa beans are rich in B vitamins, magnesium and phenethylamine. All these are natural substances necessary for the optimal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Tones Chocolate is a source of caffeine and theobromine, which can replace a cup of coffee drink. But at the same time it does not disturb sleep and provides a stable heart rate.

Reduces blood pressure. Dark chocolate has this property. That is why nutritionists recommend that hypertensive patients include a small portion of this treat in their diet as a preventive measure.

Prevents Aging Chocolate contains antioxidants. And these substances, as you know, slow down the aging process, improve blood properties, preventing the formation of blood clots.

Increases stress resistance Phenethylamine, which we mentioned above, contributes to the production of serotonin, or the hormone of pleasure, happiness. And he, as you know, together with magnesium prevents depressive states, improves mood. The degree of effect of this property depends on the type of chocolate. So black is considered the most useful in this regard.

DOES NOT cause acne. One of the main causes of painful formations on the face is hormonal imbalance. But chocolate does not cause it. Therefore, do not limit yourself to this sweetness on false beliefs. Pimples can appear only if you are allergic to sweets.

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