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What is harmful white rice

What is harmful white rice
What is harmful white rice

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Video: Is White Rice Healthy or Bad for You? 2024, July

Video: Is White Rice Healthy or Bad for You? 2024, July

White rice is a common product, although doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating it very often. The fact is that this particular type of cereal is capable of harming human health, causing the development of some serious painful conditions.


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White rice is a refined cereal that undergoes multi-stage processing. The shelf life of this product is significantly increased in comparison with other types of rice. The potential danger to human health, in the first place, is precisely those substances that are used to process grains. Doctors do not recommend consuming large portions of white rice and do this more than 3 times a week.

A distinctive feature of white cereals is that they are coated with talc to increase the attractiveness of grains. And this substance negatively affects health. After a series of studies, it was proved that such rice, often eaten, significantly increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

White rice cereal has a very high glycemic index. A dish from it perfectly saturates, eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time, however, they load the pancreas and negatively affect the performance of the intestines and stomach. Excessive use of this product can cause the development of diabetes mellitus, provoke colic in the intestines. White rice is contraindicated in individuals who often suffer from constipation.

This cereal crop contains a lot of starch. In addition, due to various processing in white rice there are almost no nutrients and vitamins, but carbohydrates are present in large quantities. Similar nuances adversely affect the figure. Many nutritionists believe that the abundant use of white rice groats leads to obesity, to metabolic disorders. People who are inclined to lead a passive lifestyle, experience a minimum of physical activity, do not engage in any sports, you can not actively use rice.

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