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How is shawarma different from shawarma

How is shawarma different from shawarma
How is shawarma different from shawarma

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Shawarma, shawarma, doner kebab, dyurum, duner - all these are different names for the same dish. So in different countries they call fried meat with sauce and salad, wrapped in pita bread or tortilla. This oriental fast food quickly conquered the whole world, competing fries and a hamburger.


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A bit of history, or who invented the shawarma

The creator of shawarma is Kadir Nurman. He was of Turkish origin, but lived in Berlin, where in 1972 he set up his own small business, selling fried meat wrapped in pita bread. This dish was prepared by him based on Turkish kebab, but adapted for the eternally rushing residents of the Old World.

At the end of the 20th century, shawarma gained unprecedented popularity. Perhaps, in every European city there were small stalls where meat was grilled on vertical skewers - veal, lamb or chicken. The natives of the southern states cheerfully wrapped the meat in cakes, added salad and cabbage and generously poured the sauce.

Eastern fast food fell in love with Europeans for the speed of cooking and satiety. It would seem that the invention of shawarma was to become a bonanza for its creator. However, Nurman did not patent his recipe and idea. Despite this, he was glad that thanks to him his compatriots could make good money in Europe.

Kadyr Nurman’s contribution to the popularity of Turkish kebabs at the official level was recognized only in 2011, two years before his death.

Shawarma and shawarma: what is the difference?

Turkish kebab has many names. We can say that in each country it is different. So, in Germany it is called dener-kebab, in England and Poland it is called kebab, in Armenia it is called Karelian kebab, in Bulgaria it is called duner, and in Israel it is shvarma or shavarma. In Russia, oriental fast food has taken root under two names - shawarma and shawarma. True, in the separated corners of the country it is also called shavarma.

There are no fundamental differences in the cooking process between shawarma and shawarma. Their filling is exactly the same, the difference lies in the shell. So, in shawarma, the filling is wrapped in thin pita bread, and for the shawarma, half the pita serves as a shell.

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