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What is useful liver

What is useful liver
What is useful liver

Table of contents:

Video: World Liver Day | What to eat for a healthy liver | The Foodie 2024, July

Video: World Liver Day | What to eat for a healthy liver | The Foodie 2024, July

The liver is an ambiguous product, there are many people who simply can not tolerate it, but there are also many ardent fans of this offal. Its nutritional value is undeniable - even in ancient times, doctors recommended eating the liver for many ailments.


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This useful, tasty and nutritious meat product is in many respects more valuable than meat tenderloin; in some countries the liver is considered a delicacy and gourmet dishes are prepared from it. It has a lot of complete proteins, and vitamins and minerals are contained in an easily digestible form.

The liver is especially rich in iron, which the body needs for high-quality synthesis of hemoglobin, and copper, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This meat product also contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and phosphorus. The liver has a large amount of vitamin A, which is responsible for normal vision, hair density and strong teeth. Equally important is the presence of amino acids in it: tryptophan, lysine, methionine.

Who is recommended liver dishes

Such a rich composition allows doctors and nutritionists to recommend the liver to the diet of many chronic patients. A properly prepared dish from fresh liver can provide the body with a daily norm of necessary vitamins and minerals, therefore it is especially useful for children and pregnant women. The liver is necessary for low hemoglobin, a tendency to thrombosis, will benefit patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Whose liver is healthier

The most useful nutritionists consider the liver of fish - cod and pollock. In addition to vitamin A, cod liver contains a high content of ergocalciferol - vitamin D, which is necessary for bone formation. In addition, there are vitamins C and B12, which are needed by patients with cardiovascular, nervous diseases. Pollock liver also contains sulfur and manganese, which fight inflammation and are recommended for problems with the respiratory system. The liver of fish is very high in calories, so you should not consume it in large quantities.

Pork liver is also rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains, among others, vitamin H and most of the B vitamins.

Beef liver contains a complete set of the most common vitamins, 20 minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Beef and pork liver are less high-calorie than fish. Nutritionists prefer beef liver, it strengthens the immune system, supports hemoglobin, prevents diseases of the central nervous system, and also avoids a heart attack.

Chicken liver is very well absorbed, it has a lot of protein, vitamin A and folic acid. Koreans consume chicken liver for overwork, impaired vision, lung diseases, to recover from childbirth.

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