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What is useful and harmful mustard

What is useful and harmful mustard
What is useful and harmful mustard

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Video: Truth about MUSTARD OIL | Safe or Harmful | Full info by Guru Mann 2024, July

Video: Truth about MUSTARD OIL | Safe or Harmful | Full info by Guru Mann 2024, July

Mustard is an incredibly popular product that is used as seasoning and for preparing a variety of dishes. Mustard is undoubtedly healthy. However, there are contraindications to its use.


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The benefits of mustard

Mustard is an annual spicy-aromatic plant with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and mild laxative effects. The seeds of the plant are dried and ground into powder, from which the famous seasoning is subsequently prepared.

Mustard seeds contain a significant amount of magnesium and potassium, zinc and iron, sodium and calcium. The composition of mustard contains enzymes, essential oils, glycosides, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B, D, E and dietary fiber.

Due to this, regular use of mustard can reduce the frequency of exacerbations in asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Mustard seeds help with increased flatulence, liver and gall bladder diseases, and vascular sclerosis.

It is recommended to use mustard with fatty meat, as it speeds up the digestion process and helps the absorption of fatty foods. It is noted that with the help of mustard it is possible to improve eyesight, reduce toxicosis in case of poisoning, eliminate sore throat.

Very often, mustard is used in cosmetology by adding powder to the composition of masks. Mustard makes hair firm and elastic, helps lower cholesterol and speed up metabolism.

However, it should be remembered that each plant has a number of contraindications. Therefore, excessive consumption of mustard can cause significant harm to health.

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