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Why green tea is good for the body

Why green tea is good for the body
Why green tea is good for the body

Video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike 2024, June

Video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike 2024, June

Green tea is gaining popularity, some drink it from taste preferences, others in order to improve health. Green tea, in comparison with its black counterpart, is considered more useful due to the presence of a large number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, when brewing from a green leaf, a lot of essential oils get into the drink, which have a beneficial effect on all processes in the body. Naturally, we are talking about natural, freshly brewed tea, and not about a surrogate from bags.


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Two cups of freshly brewed tea, drunk during the day, will give vitality and beauty, improve the condition of blood vessels and skin, and all this thanks to the presence of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, because it is not without reason that its extract is used as an additive to creams and skin care products.

What is green tea good for skin? First of all, the beneficial substances included in its composition slow down the aging process, which, naturally, has a positive effect on the skin. Boils, acne, allergic rashes, it is enough to wipe with freshly brewed tea twice a day and soon the skin will clear. If fresh green tea is poured into ice molds and frozen, and then wiped face, neck and décolleté with these cubes, this will help to make the skin more toned and smooth.

Due to the presence of caffeine, green tea invigorates perfectly, improves mental activity and memory, but does not increase pressure.

The influence of the drink on the digestive tract is also invaluable: tea, drunk half an hour after a plentiful meal, makes the intestines, stomach and liver work more actively.

With any lesions in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, burns or wounds, as well as throat diseases, can be cured by regular rinsing with freshly brewed tea (in combination with medication).

Green tea has a slight diuretic effect; its regular use serves as a prophylaxis of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. However, drinking green tea as a diuretic is not recommended, because a large amount of the drink has an exciting effect on the central nervous system.

A drink made from green tea, honey and ginger helps in the fight against excess weight.

It is believed that the regular use of tea serves as the prevention of cancer.

Despite the abundance of useful qualities, green tea can also negatively affect the body: when consumed in the evening, the drink is exciting, and instead of a sweet sleep, you can get a sleepless night and a headache. In diseases of the stomach, green tea is able to increase secretion, and, consequently, increase acidity.

And a few words about how to brew green tea. Noble leaf, in no case, can not be poured with boiling water, this destroys most of the useful substances in it. To get a healthy and aromatic drink, you need to warm up the teapot or at least rinse it with boiling water, why pour the tea and pour it not with boiling, but with slightly cooled water.

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