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Lentils: benefits and harms for women

Lentils: benefits and harms for women
Lentils: benefits and harms for women

Table of contents:

Video: Benefits of Eating Lentils | What happened if You Eat too Much Lentils by Health Intimates 2024, June

Video: Benefits of Eating Lentils | What happened if You Eat too Much Lentils by Health Intimates 2024, June

Lentils belong to the legume family, but it is richer in useful properties than beans or peas. A source of vegetable protein, lentils, can not only improve the functioning of most human organs, but also generally extend the life expectancy. Also, the product "knows how" to stimulate the reproductive function of women. What makes lentils so good?


Pick your recipe

For the first time, lentils as a nutritious product are mentioned in the biblical tradition of the hungry wanderer Esau, who agreed to renounce the birthright privilege in exchange for a pot of hearty lentil soup. Thus, his cunning brother Jacob took possession of the right to inheritance.

However, historically, a respectful attitude to lentils as a healthy and healthy dish in ancient Egypt is known. For example, the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra, according to one legend, suffered from a severe form of allergy. Priests offered her lentil stew 3-4 times a week to restore the woman's body and cure the disease.

In Russia, lentils are only gaining popularity. All because she did not take root because of the climate. Lentils did not produce crops either in the Russian middle lane or in the north. For a long time, lentils were considered exotic exotic beans from Asia.

Lentil composition

Lentils break all records for the presence of protein, not only among animal products, but also among legumes. Nutritionists jokingly call the product plant-based meat. After all, lentils are not only rich in regular calories, but also contain vitamins and minerals.

In 100 g of lentils:

  • calories - 311 kcal;

  • proteins - 25 g;

  • fats - 1.1 g;

  • carbohydrates - 54 g.

What are the benefits for women

Having learned about the unconditional benefits of the product for the body, women are in a hurry to introduce it into their diet. The fact is that in lentils there are precisely those trace elements that are needed and convenient for ingestion: iodine, zinc, manganese, silicon. A portion of lentils also covers a woman's daily need for folic acid, as well as iron.

Beans are good for the emotional stability of the beautiful half of humanity. A natural antidepressant, a bean product, is rich in tryptophan. This amino acid supplies the body with the hormone of happiness, and serotonin prevents depression and mood swings.

Natural lentil protein is easily absorbed without consequences for the figure and without the formation of toxins. The carbohydrates contained in the composition are slow, and fiber does not allow for a long time to experience a feeling of hunger and a breakdown.

A woman who regularly uses lentils suffers less from pain during menstruation, tolerates PMS more easily and almost does not pay attention to menopause. There is no allergy from the product.

Another valuable property is the presence of isoflavones and folic acid in the composition. They prevent the lion's share of tumor diseases in women, in particular in the chest and female genital organs.

Lentils, when taken regularly, not only improves the internal state of a woman, but also transforms her appearance, allowing her to look better. All legumes are able to reduce the sebaceous secretion of the skin, relieving it of oily sheen and clogged pores. This occurs due to the stabilization of the intestines, stimulation of the digestive system, the decline of swelling. Also a good product for constipation and diverticulosis.

Nutritionists love lentils for their abundance of nutrients and for instant fiber. This allows the product to easily replace cereals and even bread in the diet, which leads to weight loss. And most importantly - it reduces (or eliminates contraindications) the use of red meat.

Finally, porridge from lentils, thick and dense, increases immunity in the winter and, when spices are added, heats up no worse than a plate of nutritious food, for example, dumplings (in Chinese medicine there are anti-cold recipes based on lentils).


Like most legumes, edible “coins” can harm the intestines. Strong gas formation, flatulence - this makes discomfort after taking lentils even a healthy person. But this is not a reason to refuse tasty lentils if you have no problems with your stomach, intestines or you do not suffer from urolithiasis. In the form of seedlings, the bean has no contraindications.

It is undesirable to eat boiled lentils often:

  • patients with gout;

  • with a diagnosis of pathology of the biliary tract;

  • if dysbiosis is diagnosed;

  • with the formation of hemorrhoidal plaques.

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