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Dishes from cottage cheese: how to cook delicious cheesecakes

Dishes from cottage cheese: how to cook delicious cheesecakes
Dishes from cottage cheese: how to cook delicious cheesecakes

Video: Easy Cottage Cheese Cheesecake Recipe 2024, June

Video: Easy Cottage Cheese Cheesecake Recipe 2024, June

Cheesecakes - the dish is tasty and at the same time easy to prepare, and therefore often served for breakfast. Cheesecakes eat with jam, honey, with condensed milk, with sour cream. And although it’s not difficult to make cottage cheese pancakes, in order for them to come out juicy, lush and soft, you need to know some subtleties and secrets.


Pick your recipe

Secret one: cottage cheese must be right

Naturally, to prepare a delicious dish, the products should only be of good quality. The basis of syrniki is cottage cheese. And therefore, this product has such requirements: it must be fresh, not very acidic, not fat-free, but not too fat.

The ideal fat content for cottage cheese is from 7 to 18 percent. The texture of the curd should be without grains, that is, homogeneous. If the cottage cheese is dry, then it is not difficult to fix it: you need to dilute it with milk, kefir or sour cream.

If the cottage cheese is acidic, then this error will have to be masked by the excessive addition of sugar, which is harmful both to health in general and to the figure. And the taste of cottage cheese will be inconspicuous.

If the cottage cheese is too wet, it is better to immediately get rid of the whey with a colander or gauze, because otherwise you will have to add a lot of flour or semolina, and this will make the dish just rubber.

Little tip

It is advisable to wipe the cottage cheese for syrniki through a sieve so that its consistency is uniform. This is important in order to make the cheesecakes tasty.

The second secret: juiciness of cheesecakes

Only cheesecakes with good texture will be juicy.

Eggs are a necessary ingredient for cheesecakes, not a single recipe can do without them, because without them cheesecakes will simply fall apart. Only their excess is also not welcome because of the possibility of obtaining a hard test.

If you want cheese cakes to be rich and beautiful, then you can add only egg yolks to them.

Secret three: size matters

Cheesecakes should not be thick and large in diameter, not only to make them better baked, but also for convenience when turning them over. In order to form cheesecakes of optimal size, scoop the dough with a tablespoon and roll small washers.

Secret Four: golden brown

In order for the crust of cheesecakes to be full of appetizing, you need to fry them in a pan with a non-stick coating. The bottom of the pan should be thick.

For frying, you need to use high-quality vegetable oil.

The pan is well heated before cooking.

To cheesecakes were baked, cover the pan with a domed lid.

It is necessary to fry only on a small fire, then the cheesecakes will not burn and bake well.

A simple recipe for delicious cheesecakes

In a large bowl, mix a pack of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon of sour cream, salt, sugar and vanilla to taste. Let stand the test for half an hour.

Using a tablespoon, divide the dough into balls and form washers from them, their thickness should not be more than two centimeters.

Preheat a frying pan and spread cheese pancakes diced in flour on it. Fry over medium heat until lightly browned.

Cheesecakes are served, both hot and cooled.

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