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Pancakes with Chocolate Mousse

Pancakes with Chocolate Mousse
Pancakes with Chocolate Mousse

Video: How to Make Chocolate Pancakes 2024, June

Video: How to Make Chocolate Pancakes 2024, June

Stuffing pancakes, many housewives use a sweet filling - berries, fruits, cream, mousse, etc. Mousse, unfortunately, preference is given much less often, but in vain. Cooking it, of course, is not so easy, but the result is worth it. It turns out very tasty and unusual, especially if you add liquor and candied fruit. Each sweet tooth will appreciate such a dessert as a pancake with mousse.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For pancakes:

  • - flour 100 g

  • - egg 2 pcs.

  • - milk 150 ml

  • - butter

  • - salt

  • For mousse:

  • - dark chocolate 80 g

  • - sugar 80 g

  • - butter 100 g

  • - egg 2 pcs.

  • - orange liquor 50 ml

  • - candied oranges 50 g

  • For syrup:

  • - sugar 100 g

  • - orange 1 pc.

  • - orange liquor 50 ml

Instruction manual


Make the pancake dough. Beat two eggs into a homogeneous mass. Gradually add flour, butter and add milk and salt. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and bake pancakes.


Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the latter into a strong foam. In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with sugar until airy.


Combine the melted chocolate, the finely chopped candied fruit, the liquor and the whites, gently stirring with a spatula. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate the mousse for at least an hour.


Make syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in 200 ml of water and add liquor there.


Peel the orange, divide it into slices and remove the film. Dip the citrus in the syrup and cook everything together for 15-20 minutes.


Grease each pancake with mousse, roll four times and put on a dish. Pour pastries with syrup and garnish with orange slices.

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