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Fried, baked and boiled terpug

Fried, baked and boiled terpug
Fried, baked and boiled terpug

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Kuril rasp is a versatile fish with excellent taste. The most commonly prepared baked rasp. Nevertheless, the fish is good in boiled and fried form.


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Fried terpug

To prepare fried rasp, the following ingredients will be required: 1 Kuril rasp, vegetable oil, salt, breading flour, onions, carrots, ground black pepper, seasonings for fish, soy sauce.

With completely thawed or fresh fish, the scales are removed. After cutting the abdomen of the carcass, the entrails are removed and the dark film is removed. The fish is washed in running cold water and cut into portions. Then the pieces of fish are pickled in a mixture of soy sauce and seasonings.

Chop the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion in half rings. In a pan, heat the vegetable oil. The fish is removed from the marinade, dried with paper towels and rolled in breadcrumbs. Fry the rasp until golden brown on both sides. Ready fish is laid out on a flat dish. Turn the fish over in the pan with extreme caution, as the rasp easily falls apart.

Vegetables are fried in the same vegetable oil. When the onions and carrots get a golden hue, sprinkle the vegetables with ground black pepper and add salt to taste. Garnish spread into pieces of fish.

Baked Terpug

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients: 1 Kuril rasp, 1 lemon, 1 head of onion, black pepper, salt, dill.

The cleaned fish is dried with paper towels and rubbed with salt and black pepper. Then the rasp is transferred to a double folded sheet of foil. The abdomen of the rasp is stuffed with coarsely chopped dill and lemon slices. On top of the fish lay onions shredded in half rings.

The fish is wrapped tightly in foil and sent to the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for 20-25 minutes. As a side dish, baked fish is best served with rice.

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