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How much water is needed per glass of rice

How much water is needed per glass of rice
How much water is needed per glass of rice

Table of contents:

Video: Rice to water ratio - How to cook perfect rice 2024, July

Video: Rice to water ratio - How to cook perfect rice 2024, July

Cooking rice is simple at first glance. Experienced housewives know that in this process it is extremely important to observe the necessary proportions of cereals and water: otherwise rice can burn or boil.


Pick your recipe

Determining the proportions of water and cereals when cooking rice is one of the most crucial moments in its preparation. Moreover, the magnitude of these proportions directly depends on what kind of rice dish you want to cook.

Rice side dish

One of the popular ways to use rice is to use it as a side dish or as a component of complex culinary dishes, such as pilaf. In this case, it is important that the finished rice is crumbly, and its grains do not stick together and are well separated from each other.

This result is achieved by the correct ratio of cereals and water during cooking. So, if we consider this ratio by weight, then experienced housewives are advised to observe a proportion at which about 150 grams of water is taken per 100 grams of cereal. However, often when preparing this product, they do not use weights, but volume measures, for example, a glass. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the same amounts of water and rice weigh differently: for example, a glass of rice weighs about 200 grams, and a glass of water - about 250 grams. Therefore, to maintain the required proportion for one glass of rice, you need to take one glass of water and about 1/6 of this volume, which will provide the necessary ratio.

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