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How much water to drink per day for weight loss

How much water to drink per day for weight loss
How much water to drink per day for weight loss

Video: Doctor Mike Answers: How Much Water Should You Drink a Day? | SELF 2024, July

Video: Doctor Mike Answers: How Much Water Should You Drink a Day? | SELF 2024, July

Everyone knows that for weight loss you need to drink a lot of water., But few know how much and why. And all because water is the first supplier of energy and strength for the body.


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From the course of anatomy, we know that the human body consists of about 85% water, it is involved in all chemical processes in the body.

But how does metabolism and metabolic rate depend on the amount of fluid consumed? If there is not enough fluid in the body, then the kidneys cannot independently remove all toxins and decay products, and here the liver comes to their aid, leaving their functions for a while, one of which is the breakdown of fats.

With an acute lack of fluid, the brain, heart, liver and lungs take away the rest of the water for their smooth operation, leaving the skin, joints and intestines without life-giving moisture. Often a person feels a sense of hunger and goes to the refrigerator for the next portion of food. However, most often, this is just a masked thirst and a glass of water can satisfy the urge to eat. If there is an acute desire to drink, then the body is guaranteed to be dehydrated and the brain begins to take fluid from tissues, cells, and then from blood plasma.

Calculating the daily rate of fluid is not difficult at all, there is a universal formula for this:

For men: 35 x body weight For women: 31 x body weight

For example, take a girl with a body weight of 58 kg, multiply 31x58 = 1798 ml - this is the daily requirement.

Do not forget that with active physical exertion, hard work and in hot weather, the volume of fluid you drink should be increased by 0.5 liters.

How to make yourself drink water if you don’t feel like it at all?

You need to start in the morning, for this, next to the bed you need to put a glass of water and drink it immediately after rising. On the road, for work or study, you can take a liter container with clean water and drink it during the day in small portions, then almost all the necessary volume will be drunk between things.

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