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Funchose salad with meat: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Funchose salad with meat: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Funchose salad with meat: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Funchoza In Korean. How to Cook the Most Tasty Korean Funchoza. 2024, July

Video: Funchoza In Korean. How to Cook the Most Tasty Korean Funchoza. 2024, July

Fungose ​​salad with meat is often found in various national cuisines of Asia. Such a bright, mouth-watering dish with a delicate taste and a bright oriental aroma is prepared in Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, China. Each nation has its own recipe for funchose salad with meat, which uses various ingredients and spices. But all of them are united by the simplicity of preparation and the unusual taste that every housewife will easily repeat in her own kitchen.


Pick your recipe



What it is? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How and with what do they eat it? - We have to figure it out today.

History of funchosis

Funchoza it is also called "Glass noodles", for the preparation of which use bean or rice flour. The homeland of funchoses is not China at all, as many connoisseurs of oriental cuisine believe, but Thailand is the most exotic, mysterious and unique country of the East. Thai's life credo can be expressed with the word "sunuk-sabay", which means life with a smile, pleasure for the soul, combined with the comfort of the body. That is why Thais are considered one of the most zealous admirers of healthy food. So, where, if not in Thailand, a funchosis could have appeared. However, not only Thais love this dish, it is also very respected by the inhabitants of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India.

Noodles in Asia are not made from wheat flour, as we do, but from rice. This is not surprising, because in the East, rice is the head of everything. For a year, every Asian eats an average of about 150 kg of this cereal in the form of a side dish, pilaf, sushi and pasta. Even the desire for "bon appetit" in some Asian languages ​​sounds like "help yourself with rice!"

Funchoza (sometimes there is a variant of "funchez", in connection with the recent borrowing term, there are no strict rules regarding the spelling of this word) is a thin translucent vermicelli thread up to 50 cm long - where the Italians with their spaghetti! They are never broken before cooking. Noodles must always be long, because it symbolizes human life. “The longer the noodles, the longer the life, ” says Eastern wisdom.

In Russia, for the first time, funchose made itself felt at the beginning of the 19th century. Since the name is complex, but you had to boast in front of your neighbors, they came up with the Russian vermicelli name “Glass Noodles”, because it looks like a thin and transparent thread.


The culinary qualities of funchoses

Funchose salad with meat is an easy-to-cook and very hearty meal, perfect for lunch or dinner. Thanks to the ingredients that make up this appetizer is fully balanced and can become the basis for proper nutrition. And the whole secret lies in the product with the mysterious name "funchoza". In fact, this is nothing more than rice or pea noodles, which in the East are added to almost all dishes, using a neutral taste and speed of cooking. Soups, side dishes, salads - from funchose they cook all this, adding meat, vegetables, fish, seafood. This noodle has the ability to absorb the taste of those foods and spices, added with it to the dish, making the latter more satisfying, nutritious, aromatic. Asians appreciate not only the culinary qualities of funchose, but also its benefits to the body. Rice noodles are considered a symbol of health, youth and longevity, since it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Regular use of funchose in food will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, soothe nerves and give strength. A funchose salad with meat and vegetables will not harm the figure, which is especially important for those who monitor their weight. You can cook it with beef or pork or chicken, and sweet peppers, cucumbers, carrots, onions, herbs, garlic, etc. are ideal for vegetables. It is vegetables that add a dish of lightness, freshness and juiciness, optimally complementing noodles with meat. By the way, vegetarians can also try this delicious salad with funchose, cooking it with soy meat.

Recipes with photos will help to prepare a funchose salad with meat, even for those who strongly doubt their culinary abilities. This dish is considered simple, and it will take no more than 30 minutes to cook. Delight your home with a popular Asian snack, everyone is guaranteed to be delighted. The Funchoza salad recipe with meat is useful for both daily meals and treating guests, because such a dish is not only tasty and healthy, but also very bright and beautiful.

Salad recipe "Korean Funchoza with meat"

A very simple recipe for a fungoza salad with Korean meat. For him, it is best to prepare thin noodles, a good piece of beef tenderloin, as well as multi-colored bell peppers (half red and yellow) to make the dish as tasty and beautiful as possible.


  • Beef tenderloin - 300 grams.

  • Funchoza - 250 grams.

  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.

  • Carrots - 3 pcs.

  • Onion - 1 pc.

  • Cucumber - 1 pc.

  • Garlic - 4 cloves.

  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l

  • Soy Sauce - 100 ml.

  • Rice vinegar - 2 tbsp. l

  • Spices (paprika, black pepper, chili, ground coriander) - 1 tsp each.

  • Salt, sugar.


The first thing to do is prepare the meat. For this dish, it is best to marinate beef, and in advance (3-4 hours), cut it into thin strips. Marinade is prepared from a mixture of soy sauce with spices (half of the specified amount), they pour meat, mix well and leave in the cold.


2. Using a Korean grater or shredder, grind the cucumber, and it is better to take only the pulp without grains.


3. In a similar way to chop carrots.


4. Pepper clear of seeds and cut into strips.


5. Put chopped vegetables in a deep bowl, sprinkle them with salt and sugar and wash them well with your hands to make juice.


6. Onion cut into half rings, garlic into slices and dip them for a minute in the butter heated in a pan. Remove from heat, add remaining spices (coriander, paprika), mix and, without cooling, add the mixture to fresh vegetables.


7. Next you need to cook the noodles. Thin enough for a few minutes to pour boiling water. The wide and thick funchose should be boiled in salted water for about 5 minutes. It is important that the noodles are soft enough, but maintain elasticity. When cooking, you can add vegetable oil so that the fungoza does not stick together. Fold the finished noodles into a colander, when all the liquid has drained, the funchose can be cut for convenience so that it is not too long.


Put the noodles to the vegetables, mix so that all the juices are evenly distributed.


Put the marinated meat (along with the marinade) in a hot skillet with oil, fry over high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.


Transfer the meat (with all the remaining liquid) to the remaining products, mix again, adding black pepper, chili. At the end, sprinkle with rice vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice).


Remove the finished salad of funchose with Korean meat in the refrigerator for a day to fully reveal its taste and aroma.

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