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Rules for cooking eggs

Rules for cooking eggs
Rules for cooking eggs

Video: Egg Cooking Basics - "Egg Anatomy" 2024, July

Video: Egg Cooking Basics - "Egg Anatomy" 2024, July

Fried eggs in the usual sense, this is breakfast. In fact, it is still cooked as an addition to dishes such as a hamburger or steak, as well as an independent dish with various additives. If you know how to cook fried eggs, then it turns into a real culinary masterpiece.


Pick your recipe

To make scrambled eggs tasty and beautiful, a few rules will help you. We will consider the rules for the preparation of classic fried eggs.

Oil amount

Fried eggs in a small amount of oil, use only refined oils (for example: "pure" olive oil, corn or sunflower).

No one likes scrambled eggs floating in fat.


The pan should not be sticky, otherwise you will simply tear the scrambled eggs when you remove it from the pan.

It is also important to choose a pan with a flat bottom. In this case, you can cook a lot of eggs in one pan and they will not slide into the center, as a result, they will be cooked evenly.


Many make a simple mistake, hammer eggs in a very hot pan. Because of this, they begin to hiss and bubble, sprinkle with hot oil and fry heavily from below.

For coagulation of protein, temperatures above 60 degrees are sufficient. The eggs are fully cooked when heated to 65 degrees, as the harmful bacteria die at 63 degrees.

The best technique is to drive eggs into the pan immediately after heating begins. This will help to avoid splashing boiling oil, the formation of not chewing burnt crust on the bottom of the egg and not prepared protein on top.


It is better to salt the eggs at the beginning of cooking until they are curled. Thus, the salt will dissolve in the liquid egg and salt it more evenly. If you salt after cooking, the salt will remain in undissolved crystalline form on the surface of the scrambled eggs.

Yolk is not salted as a tribute to aesthetics in catering. In home cooking, it does not matter. It is unlikely that the fried eggs will seem ugly if there are small light spots of salt on the yolk.

How to cook a lot of eggs

If you cook a lot of eggs, then you will face the following problem. The eggs on the edges of the pan cook faster, heating up from the side of the pan. If you cover, this effect is reduced to a small extent, because at the edges the yolks also begin to cook faster, which is also not good.

There is a way to fix this; you need to cover the pan with an impromptu foil lid. We make a circle from ordinary aluminum foil not necessarily even a little less than the diameter of the pan. And we put it on the eggs, this lid is light and will not spoil the fried eggs with its weight, but the fact is that at the edges it releases heat due to its small size and uneven shape. At the same time, heat is retained in the center, which allows you to cook many eggs evenly.

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