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Useful alternatives to New Year dishes

Useful alternatives to New Year dishes
Useful alternatives to New Year dishes

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Video: Celebrate The Lunar New Year With These Recipes • Tasty 2024, July

Video: Celebrate The Lunar New Year With These Recipes • Tasty 2024, July

The time is approaching for the New Year holidays. A very difficult time for lovers of a healthy lifestyle, because the holiday tables will be strewn with junk food and junk food. There are some “life hacks” with which you can eat and stay fit!


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Soda, juices

Such drinks are found on almost every New Year's table. They contain a huge amount of simple carbohydrates, that is, sugar. In turn, sucrose very quickly increases glucose in the blood and is easily deposited in the body's fat reserves.

How can this be replaced? Look at the label, because there are many alternative types of sweet carbonated drinks that do not contain a single gram of sugar. They contain 0 calories. The fact is that sweeteners are added that do not cause much harm if consumed sparingly. If you think that store juice is a healthy product, in most cases it is not, because it is diluted with water and sugar.


Almost all counters are clogged with this product, because not a single holiday is complete without dressing salads with mayonnaise. In most cases, a huge percentage of fat, which reaches 67%. Per 100 grams contains about 300 calories, as you know, no one is limited to one spoon.

Looking somewhere in the corners, you can find an alternative mayonnaise, where it says "easy." That is, such a dressing contains about 20% fat. In taste, this sauce is practically not inferior to the one to which we are all accustomed, and the cost is about the same. Dress your "olivier" with such mayonnaise so as not to cause unnecessary harm to the figure.


Usually everyone buys some kind of loaf, white bread, to make various sandwiches. There are always bread rolls on store shelves. No need to buy the cheapest, which tastes like polystyrene, and the benefits are about the same. Buy those that are more expensive, but such bread will be with a low calorie content, quality composition and taste even better than ordinary bread.


In any sausage, as a rule, does not contain normal meat. That is, for the most part, such a product is made from animal waste. For example, good clean pieces of meat are 4-5 times more expensive than sausages. She would not have had such a low price if she had a large percentage of meat. The pleasure of this product is solely due to flavor enhancers and a large amount of salt.

Buy smoked chicken breast, make salads from it. To be completely fanatical, cook the chicken. Indeed, in terms of taste, the meat is only slightly inferior to seasoned sausage. But you will not get huge portions of salt and fat from sausage products.

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