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Why canned cucumbers explode

Why canned cucumbers explode
Why canned cucumbers explode

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Video: Exploding Cucumbers! | Slo Mo #36 | Earth Unplugged 2024, July

Video: Exploding Cucumbers! | Slo Mo #36 | Earth Unplugged 2024, July

Jars with canned cucumbers can explode mainly because microbes got into them when rolled up. In the process of their life gas is formed, causing the bombing of cans, that is, bloating.


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When canning cucumbers at home, bacteria can get into the jar. During reproduction, they emit toxins and gases. Slowly accumulating under the lid, gases are collected in such quantities that the can explodes.

Why cans of cucumbers explode

Microbes that can survive in canned foods have a spore-shell that allows them to tolerate a variety of unpleasant factors. These include, in particular, heating to a temperature of 100 ° C at home. In industrial conditions, canned food is sterilized in an autoclave, where the temperature is 120 ° C. So microorganisms are destroyed more efficiently.

Germination in spore banks and the formation of vegetative forms of microorganisms that produce gas, toxins that are dangerous to humans, is also due to the fact that the marinade does not have enough acid. In addition, canned cucumbers are extremely harmful by storing cans at room temperature.

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