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Why pickles became soft

Why pickles became soft
Why pickles became soft

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Video: that feeling when you bite into a pickle and it's a little squishier than you expected 2024, July

Video: that feeling when you bite into a pickle and it's a little squishier than you expected 2024, July

At any time of the year, but especially in winter, crispy pickled cucumbers will be an excellent appetizer and complement to various hot dishes. However, the taste of cucumbers does not always live up to expectations.


Pick your recipe

It happens that pickled cucumbers, taken out of a new can, lose their usual taste and structure. They turn out to be soft. Such situations do not just upset the housewives very much. They raise the main question: why did this happen?

The main reasons that cucumbers become soft

Among the various reasons causing a violation of the structure of pickled cucumbers, several main ones can be distinguished. For example, too much garlic added to the jar during pickling.

Too little salt is also one of the reasons for softening cucumbers.

Not too thoroughly washed cans chosen for harvesting cucumbers for the winter can also lead to undesirable consequences - the vegetables will become soft. The same thing can happen if you do not pay special attention to the cleanliness of the cucumbers themselves, which are plucked. It is advisable to wash prepared vegetables several times, and then soak in water for a while.

Carefully monitor the pasteurization time when pickling cucumbers. Firstly, the temperature of the water in which the cans filled with cucumbers and spices are heated should not exceed 90 ° C. And secondly, it is necessary to observe the pasteurization time. So, for liter cans it is 10 minutes, and for three-liter cans - 15.

Vinegar is always added to the marinade. It is thanks to the acid contained in its composition that the cucumbers become strong and crunchy.

When using 70% vinegar essence, it is enough to add 1 tsp. on a three-liter jar of marinade.

An insufficient amount of vinegar or an improperly selected acid concentration can be one of the causes of fruit softening.

A great influence on the final result of pickling cucumbers has a correctly selected variety of vegetables. Usually distinguish salad and canned cucumbers. Salad - have a more delicate thin peel. When marinated, it can cause vegetables to soften.

Improper storage of cans with preserves also affects the quality of pickled vegetables. Store the cucumbers in a cool place, such as a cellar or refrigerator, and then they will remain crispy and strong.

How to choose pickles for pickling

As mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention to the variety of vegetables. Equally important is the size of the cucumbers that you will lay out on the banks. Give preference to medium-sized specimens of approximately the same length. Short-fruited cucumber varieties are best.

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