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Vegetable Soup Dressing

Vegetable Soup Dressing
Vegetable Soup Dressing

Video: 4 Delicious Soup & Dressing Recipes! FullyRaw Vegan! 2024, July

Video: 4 Delicious Soup & Dressing Recipes! FullyRaw Vegan! 2024, July

In winter, I want fresh, fragrant vegetables. In order not to wait for summer and enjoy healthy vitamins among frosts, you need to prepare a vegetable dressing for soups. It can be used in the preparation of cabbage soup, pickle and even borscht by adding beets.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg of carrots;

  • - 1 kg of onions;

  • - 0.5 kg of bell pepper;

  • - 1 kg tomato;

  • - 300 g of dill and parsley;

  • - 800 g of salt.

Instruction manual


Wash all ingredients well under running water. Peel the carrots, peel the onions, and remove the kernels with seeds from the sweet pepper. Put prepared vegetables on a large towel so that they dry out. Finished vegetables cut into identical cubes. You can do this with a combine.


Rinse the tomatoes and pour over boiling water. Then dip in cold water and let rest a little. Next, peel and grind them. View fresh herbs and rinse well in water, then finely chop.


Put all the vegetables in a deep bowl, add salt and mix well. Then lay out in previously prepared sterilized jars. Close cans tightly with plastic or metal lids and store in a cold place without access to light.


Vegetable dressing is ready. Just do not forget that you need to salt the soup only after the dressing has already been put, because she is with salt.

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