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Invisible apple pie: recipe with photo

Invisible apple pie: recipe with photo
Invisible apple pie: recipe with photo

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Video: Invisible Apple Cake Recipe 2024, July

Video: Invisible Apple Cake Recipe 2024, July

A lot of toppings and a little dough - this is how you can characterize an apple pie called "Invisible". This is a kind of legendary charlotte. It got its name because of the large number of apples in the composition. They are cut into thin slices and immersed in a minimum amount of dough. Thanks to this, the slice of the cake looks almost transparent. And the baking itself is very juicy and very apple.


Pick your recipe

Invisible Apple Pie: Important Nuances

The main secret of this baking is slicing apples. They are chopped onto the thinnest plates, about 3-5 mm thick, no more. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve branded "invisibility" at the cut.

This cake should have a filling that melts in your mouth. To make it just like this, give preference to juicy, ripe and soft apples. The ideal option is the fruits of a new crop. If you could not find "home" apples, stop choosing Golden in the store.

It is desirable to remove the peel from apples, especially if it is rough. Then the filling will be very tender.

To paraphrase a well-known saying, the "Invisible" apple pie cannot be spoiled. There should be a lot of them in relation to the test. Approximate proportion: 7-8 medium-sized apples per 100 g of flour.


It is important not to overdo it with the amount of dough. It should only hold together the apple plates, and the taste is almost not felt. Otherwise, you will get a banal charlotte.

Soviet invisible apple pie

Try to bake this cake according to GOST recipe.

You will need:

  • 100 g of flour;

  • 7-8 ripe medium apples;

  • 20 g of baking powder;

  • 120 ml of milk;

  • 4 eggs;

  • 4 tbsp. l butter;

  • 4 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

  • 170 g of sugar;

  • 2 tbsp. l cognac.

Step cooking

  1. Knead the dough. To do this, beat with a whisk 3 eggs with 100 g of sugar in a light foam. Add sifted flour mixed with baking powder and pour in vegetable oil, milk and 1 tbsp. l cognac. Instead of the latter, you can use rum, at worst - wine. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Visually, the test seems small, but do not be alarmed - this is the whole essence of this cake.

  2. Prepare the apples. Remove the core and peel. Slice the fruit into thin plates. You can use a special grater or food processor.

  3. Stir the apple slices into the dough. It just as if envelops them. In the oven, the dough will rise.

  4. Put the mass in a mold pre-coated with parchment. If it is missing, grease the dishes with butter. The ideal mold diameter for a given volume of dough is from 18 to 25 cm.

  5. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Half an hour is usually enough for optimal baking of apples.

  6. Start cooking the so-called fill. Combine the remaining egg, sugar and cognac, add melted butter and whisk with a whisk.

  7. Remove the pastries from the oven and pour them on top of the mixture. Continue cooking the cake for about 15 minutes.

  8. Allow the finished baking to cool. It usually takes about 3-4 hours. It is better to leave the cake in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Before serving, sprinkle cinnamon over the pastry if desired and garnish with any berries.

Invisible apple pie shortcrust pastry recipe step by step

If the GOST recipe seems boring to you, don’t be afraid to improvise. Try to cook it on the basis of shortcrust pastry. Thanks to him, baking will turn out friable and even more melting in the mouth. The main thing remains unchanged - a little dough and a lot of apple filling. However, the taste will be different, but the "invisibility" will remain.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. flour;

  • 100 g butter;

  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

  • 1/2 tbsp. l vinegar

  • 1/2 tsp soda;

  • 8 apples.

Step cooking

  1. Sift the flour and add the butter. If you forgot to melt it, just rub it on a coarse grater. To prevent the specific taste of soda in the test, do not quench it with vinegar. Add to the flour, and pour the vinegar into the dough when kneading.

  2. Pour sugar and grind the dough with your hands. It should turn out a mass similar to crumbly crumb.

  3. Cut apples into thin plates and combine with the dough. Place the mixture in a mold previously laid with parchment or oiled. You can do otherwise: do not mix the dough with apples, but first lay it on the bottom with a thin layer, then place the plates, and sprinkle them with sand mass on top.

  4. Bake the cake in the oven at 200 ° C for 30 minutes. Serve chilled to the table.

American Invisible Apple Pie

You will need:

  • 7-8 apples;

  • 200 g of flour;

  • 150 g of sugar;

  • 3 eggs;

  • 200 g butter;

  • cinnamon to taste.

Step cooking

  1. Beat butter and 40 g sugar in a deep bowl until smooth.

  2. Add 2 eggs and a yolk from the third. Leave the protein, it will come in handy later. Beat mixture for about a minute, not more.

  3. Pour the sifted flour and start stirring with a spoon. As soon as the dough is a little “gathered”, continue to knead with your hands. Roll the mass into a ball, wrap it in a film and refrigerate for 40-50 minutes.

  4. Remove peel from apples and cut into thin slices.

  5. Combine the remaining sugar and cinnamon. Add the apple slices and mix.

  6. Roll the dough to the diameter of the mold. An important condition is that it must be subtle.

  7. Put the apple slices on the dough. Step back a bit from the edges so that you can subsequently secure them without problems. Cover apples with rolled dough from above and blind the edges, after wetting your fingers with water. Make 2-3 incisions to allow steam to escape.

  8. Beat the protein and grease the cake. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

  9. Preheat the oven to 170 ° C. The American version of the Invisible Pie is best baked in convection mode. Bake the cake for 45 minutes. Chill before serving. If you don’t have time for this, top up the hot cake with ice cream.

French Invisible Apple Pie

You will need:

  • 1 kg of apples;

  • 60 g butter;

  • 150 g of sugar;

  • 4 tbsp. l flour;

  • 3 eggs;

  • baking powder.

Step cooking

Beat eggs with 3 tbsp. l sugar to a thick foam. Pour flour into it, pre-mixed with baking powder and sifted. A homogeneous mass of liquid consistency should be obtained.

Cut the apples into thin plates, sprinkle with the remaining sugar and let stand for about 10-15 minutes to give the juice. After that add to the dough.

Pick a mold with a diameter of about 25 cm. Cover it with baking paper smeared with butter. Put the dough into the mold and bake for about 30-35 minutes. Cool the finished cake and serve.


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