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Honey with nuts: benefits and rules of use

Honey with nuts: benefits and rules of use
Honey with nuts: benefits and rules of use

Table of contents:

Video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Honey Every Day 2024, June

Video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Honey Every Day 2024, June

Nuts with honey are a surprisingly delicious oriental sweet, not only very nutritious and excellent in satisfying hunger, but also very healthy. It contains important trace elements and vitamins, so necessary for the human body. In addition, honey is a good preservative, and therefore nuts with honey can be stored for a very long time.


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Useful and tasty candy replacement

Excessive consumption of sugar is very harmful to health - all doctors say this. Therefore, its use in food should be seriously reduced. Fortunately, sugar has an excellent substitute, which not only does not harm the body, but also, on the contrary, is of great benefit. Of course, we are talking about honey.

In addition to a rich sweet taste, honey has many other advantages over sugar. It contains vitamins and minerals, so necessary for the human body. Honey in combination with nuts is especially useful and tasty. This delicacy heals the body and is an excellent substitute for sweets and chocolates.

Why is honey with nuts so healthy?

The composition of honey includes vitamins of group B (B2 and B6), folic acid, magnesium, iron, potassium, iodine and many other useful elements. It is very nutritious and ideal if you need to quickly restore strength. Due to its antibacterial effect, it will not let the nuts go bad for a long time, and a treat can please the sweet tooth for a whole year, or even more. In addition, honey perfectly strengthens the nervous system, reduces the effects of stress on the body and protects people from infectious diseases.

And now about nuts. First of all, nuts are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered much more beneficial than animal fats. Almost all nuts have a positive effect on brain activity, lower cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to cook and where to store honey mixture with nuts

In order for honey and nuts to bring maximum benefits, all products must be chosen correctly. First of all, honey and nuts are best bought in reliable and proven places. Secondly, the nuts should be clean, without dark or white spots on the surface.

Thirdly, when choosing honey, you need to pay attention to the smell. Real honey has a strong bright aroma, while diluted with sugar does not have such a saturated smell.

Fourth, quality nuts taste like a tart taste without bitterness. Fifth, ask about the "age" of nuts. The fruits, which are more than three years old, can no longer be eaten.

Preparing a mixture of honey and nuts is quite easy. Nuts need to be put in a glass jar as a whole, without cutting into pieces. Then fill everything with honey, close the jar tightly with a lid. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator always in a tightly closed jar.

It is best to eat honey with nuts every day, at least one teaspoon each. You can with tea or another other drink, you can just like that. But do not abuse the delicacy, it is fraught with extra pounds, because honey and nuts are very high in calories.

It is also better to know in advance whether there is an allergy to the products that make up the mixture, otherwise you can harm yourself instead of the benefit.

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