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How to knead the dough on buttermilk for baking bread

How to knead the dough on buttermilk for baking bread
How to knead the dough on buttermilk for baking bread

Video: How to bake Buttermilk Bread 2024, July

Video: How to bake Buttermilk Bread 2024, July

Buttermilk is an excellent ingredient for bakery products. It gives baking a rich, rich buttery taste, but does not add calories, unlike milk and cream. The acid properties of buttermilk make it possible to achieve a fine crumb structure and dark bread crust.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Irish Buttermilk Bread
    • - 250 g of plain white flour;
    • - 250 g of coarse flour;
    • - 100 g of oatmeal;
    • - 1 teaspoon of soda;
    • - 1 teaspoon of salt;
    • - 25 g of butter;
    • - 500 ml of buttermilk.
    • Buttermilk Oatmeal Bread
    • - 1 1/4 cup oatmeal;
    • - 1 cup boiling water;
    • - 2 teaspoons of dry active yeast;
    • - 1/4 cup of warm water;
    • - 1 1/2 cup buttermilk;
    • - 1/2 cup of vegetable oil;
    • - 1/2 cup brown sugar; - 1 cup wholemeal flour;
    • - 4 cups of plain wheat white flour;
    • - 2 teaspoons of salt.

Instruction manual


Irish soda bread on buttermilk Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and sprinkle a little baking sheet with flour.


In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients - flour, soda, salt, cereal. Cut the butter into small pieces and "rub" into the dry mixture. Pour the buttermilk and gently, with your fingertips, gently knead the dough.


Form a round loaf of 20 centimeters in diameter. Lay the loaf on a baking sheet and make a cross-shaped deep incision on it. It was believed that this is a sign that fairies leave. Be that as it may, such an incision helps the dough to bake.


Bake bread for 30-35 minutes. If after this time, when tapping on the bottom of the loaf, you don’t hear that muffled sound that clearly indicates that the bread has baked inside, then turn the loaf over and leave it for another 3-5 minutes in the oven.


Remove the bread, place on a wire rack, cover with a clean towel and let cool. Do not store such bread for a long time, it is especially good fresh.


Oatmeal yeast bread on buttermilk Pour oatmeal into a bowl of a combine and fill it with boiling water, stir the hook with a nozzle until it is absorbed.


Pour yeast into a cup of warm water (35-40 ° C) and leave for 5 minutes. Add vegetable oil, sugar and buttermilk to the yeast. Mix the flour with oatmeal, pour the buttermilk with yeast and at low speed, attach the hook, replace the dough. Knead it for at least 15-20 minutes. It should be very, very sticky - that's fine and good. Do not add flour to it!


Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil and put the dough in it, you can cover it with a towel, but more conveniently - with food-grade plastic wrap. Leave the dough for 1 hour. During this time, the dough doubles.


Roll the dough into a rectangle, cut it in half, and fold each new rectangle as a fold - most in the middle and two leaves. Roll each rectangle into a roll - you get two loaves. Put the loaves in the molds or on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, seam down, leave for another 30-40 minutes, so that the bread rises. Sprinkle the surface of the bread with water or moisten it with a brush, sprinkle with oatmeal and put in the oven, preheated to 190 ° C. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Ready bread, if you tap on it with a knife handle, makes a distinct, dull sound.

Useful advice

When making bakery products, you can substitute buttermilk for yogurt, kefir, milk and cream. Buttermilk can be replaced with kefir, yogurt and milk acidified with lemon juice.

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