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How to soak herring

How to soak herring
How to soak herring

Video: How to Prepare to Pickle Herring part 1 of 2 2024, July

Video: How to Prepare to Pickle Herring part 1 of 2 2024, July

Salted herring is a very healthy product, it can be served on the table as an appetizer, just sliced ​​with butter and onions. And also add to various salads. Unfortunately, often bought herring is over-salted, and therefore it must be soaked. There are several ways to do this.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • water;
    • milk;
    • strong tea.

Instruction manual


If you are dealing with a fat carcass with delicate pulp, then it can be soaked in freshly brewed black tea. He will give the fish density, thanks to tannins, and also remove excess salt. Prepare a strong infusion of tea, cool and put in it previously gutted herring, milk and caviar. Tea can be slightly sweetened, then the taste of the fish will become better.


Too salted herring, in addition, also with dry flesh, soak in water, changing it every 3 hours. Depending on the amount of salt, this can take up to 2 days. If possible, place the fish under running water for several hours. To do this, put the gutted herring in a pan, press with a load, put in a sink and empty the water.


After a few hours of soaking in water, hold the strong salted herring in milk. It will become much more tender, softer and tastier. But first cut the fish into pieces or divide it into fillets, removing the spine and head. In milk, it is possible to soak not too salty herring without preliminary exposure to water. Pour the fish with whole or diluted milk per 1 kg of herring 250 ml of liquid. Soak for at least 3 hours.


Remember that the soaked herring deteriorates quickly, so use it immediately for cooking.

Water for soaking fish should be cold, not more than 12 degrees C.

Store salads with herring in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Useful advice

You can get rid of fish smell if you wash the dishes, knives and cutting board with cold water and soap. After that, scrape the board with a knife and pour boiling water over it. Use separate equipment for fish and other products.

When buying a herring, pay attention that there is no "rust" on it, which is formed during prolonged storage and oxygen. Such a fish has a bitter aftertaste and can not be removed even after many hours of soaking.

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