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How to become a raw foodist

How to become a raw foodist
How to become a raw foodist

Video: How to Start a Raw Food Diet! 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Raw Food Diet! 2024, July

A raw food diet is a rejection of any animal and artificially prepared food. This is not a diet or a way to lose weight. This is a new way of life. People practicing raw food diet feel like newly born, as it completely cleanses the entire body of toxins and increases energy. Nevertheless, the transition to a raw food diet is a very serious step that must be done very carefully.


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What do raw foodists eat? Greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. Basically, everything that grows in the sun and contains seeds for further reproduction. The share of vegetables in the diet of a raw foodist is 25-30%, and fruits - about 50%.

Many dietitians advise switching to a raw food diet very slowly. Perhaps even during the year. First you need to switch to vegetarianism, then gradually to this nutrition system. This is the opinion of doctors.

The opinions of the practitioners themselves are different. They argue that the transition must be abrupt, and that it is necessary to refuse psychologically. They consider this the same as quitting smoking and alcohol, that is, immediately and forever. With which opinion to agree, everyone chooses for himself, since a raw food diet is a new, not yet fully studied nutrition system. But people who switched to this system really began to feel better. It is a fact.

In my opinion, the psychological aspect plays a big role here. If a person is not mentally prepared, then such a nutrition system can be harmful. After all, during the transition we find ourselves out of everything that we got used to from childhood: tasty, sweet, flour, meat, etc. There will not be all that pleased us. Therefore, a person, during the transition, may experience depression, discomfort, poor health and exacerbation of chronic diseases due to nervous system. You need to be consciously prepared for this.

If you still decide to switch to a raw food diet, then you should have a favorite pastime that will distract from food. If you work in the office and, when you get home, go to bed in front of the TV to pass the time, you will not succeed. You must always be in a good mood and constant development. Only then will there be a chance to successfully switch to a raw food diet.

Be prepared for the fact that you will notice a positive effect only after 2-3 months of “clean” nutrition. But when you feel the result, you probably will not want to return to the old food. And for this health will thank you!

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