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How to save the result after a diet

How to save the result after a diet
How to save the result after a diet

Video: Why Am I Not Losing Weight ? 8 Reasons Why, Losing Weight Ttips 2024, July

Video: Why Am I Not Losing Weight ? 8 Reasons Why, Losing Weight Ttips 2024, July

In working on ourselves, we often encounter the fact that it is not so difficult to achieve a result, how to save it. And the problem lies in this situation rather in psychology than in physiology. We will try to understand the essence of the problem and avoid mistakes in our endeavors.


Pick your recipe

1. Understand the essence of the problem. Have you already had cases when weight returned after a diet? Why did this happen? Most likely, the answer is the same - you returned to your usual diet, completely disagreeing with your body, which, by the way, was already quite tuned in to consuming only boiled meat with vegetables. And now, you again "enrich" it with harmful fats and simple carbohydrates. It is only natural that the body will quickly turn this "unprecedented generosity" into a "reserve" on your sides. There was no other option and will not be, with the exception of cases related to diseases.

2. Set the frame. Evaluate sensibly in which framework of food restrictions you can exist permanently. The word "constantly" is key here. The greater results you want to achieve, the tougher this framework will be. This should be understood very clearly. Diet - this is a sharp and significant limitation of the body, in which he begins to use the "stored reserves", i.e. fatty tissue. Upon completion of the diet, it will return, but in what volumes - depends on your diet and activity.

3. Convenient format. When forming your diet after a diet, analyze your condition during the diet. What do you want most? What, as you previously thought, strong habits, you were able to refuse during a diet the easiest? If you realize that, for example, carbonated drinks and sweet juices are not the most important thing in your life, and you can do without them - after a diet, you should not return to them at all. Such restrictions should be introduced on an ongoing basis, this will be one of your main steps on the path to success.

4. Analogs and substitutes. Of course, you will still return to your favorite products. However, try to return to them in limited quantities. Try to make the return to your favorite products as useful as possible. For example, try bitter chocolate instead of milk, sweeteners and honey instead of sugar, add more fiber to baking than flour and a little less sugar than usual.

5. What has come is gone. If you still ate cakes on the first day after the diet - do not immediately get upset. In this case, the most important thing is not to sit down to watch the series, but to engage in physical activity. Let the body use the calories it consumes. In fact, the whole secret is to spend as much as is consumed. Knowing this rule, it is necessary to combine meals with physical activity. So, for example, if you have an active day with physical activity, morning or afternoon cakes will not cause serious harm to your figure.

Follow simple rules and remember - the path to the great begins with small steps.

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