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How to maintain proper nutrition

How to maintain proper nutrition
How to maintain proper nutrition

Video: What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101 2024, July

Video: What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101 2024, July

Nowadays, many are interested in the problem of proper nutrition. However, not everyone has a concrete idea of ​​what needs to be done in order to successfully comply with it and see the desired result.


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First, consider the very concept of this term. Proper nutrition is a balanced and properly built diet, which contains the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins for the normal functioning of the human body, contributing to a healthy reduction in human weight and not causing him any harm.

The main component of proper nutrition is protein. In large quantities, it is found in chicken meat, fish and low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs. It is imperative to monitor the amount of intake of healthy fats, which are also one of the most important building materials of the human body. Healthy fats are found in olive oil and nuts. To normalize the metabolism, a small amount of these products is sufficient, since in addition to useful properties they have a large number of calories. Carbohydrates supply the body not only with useful substances, but also with energy. Correct and healthy carbohydrates are found in fresh vegetables, oatmeal, dried fruits, honey, whole grain bread, which is also rich in fiber. In addition to proper nutrition, vitamin complexes are used that need to be taken daily to saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

In order to maintain proper nutrition, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Eliminate fatty, overly spicy and sweet foods from the diet.

2. Harmful products that carry only empty calories need to be replaced with more useful ones. For example, milk chocolate should be discarded in favor of bittersweet, high in cocoa. And instead of sweets, use fresh fruits, which in addition to sugar contain the necessary vitamins. An exception may be only bananas and grapes, they should not be consumed in large quantities.

3. Drink at least two liters of clean water daily, not counting other drinks (coffee, tea, juices and other liquids).

4. Cooking should be done by baking, stewing and steaming. It is not recommended to fry anything, because all the nutrients and useful properties of this cooking method are lost.

5. Carbonated drinks, snacks in the form of fast food and alcoholic feasts are best replaced with a healthy sleep, walking and light physical exercises.

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