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How to make porridge and kefir raita sauce in 15 minutes

How to make porridge and kefir raita sauce in 15 minutes
How to make porridge and kefir raita sauce in 15 minutes

Video: Cold kefir cucumber soup made with real active milk kefir grains (vegetarian) 2024, June

Video: Cold kefir cucumber soup made with real active milk kefir grains (vegetarian) 2024, June

It is checked, the child eats such porridge in a blink of an eye! Cooking it is simple, and enjoyment is guaranteed. A cucumber raita is just a gift for those who love simple, tasty and fast food.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For porridge:

  • Buckwheat groats - 1 tbsp.

  • Water - 1 and 1/2 tbsp.

  • Nori - 4 sheets

  • Butter - 1 tbsp

  • Salt

  • Asafoetida
  • For wright:

  • Kefir -1 tbsp.

  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.

  • Greens: cilantro, parsley, dill to choose from - 30 gr

  • Asafoetida, black pepper, coriander to taste

  • Black salt

Instruction manual


Pour one and a half glasses of purified water into the pan. Bring to a boil. Pour a little less than one cup of buckwheat into the pan.


While the magic porridge is boiling, prepare the wright. Wright is a wonderful kefir sauce with fresh cucumbers. It has a unique and memorable taste and is extremely easy to prepare.


For raita wash the cucumbers and grate them on a fine grater. Mix kefir, chopped cucumbers and spices in a deep bowl. Salt well with black salt. It will give an unusual taste to raita. You can add a little lemon juice. If you do not have black salt, you can use the usual.


When the buckwheat porridge boils, cook it for another 7 minutes. At this time, chop the nori into small pieces. After seven minutes, turn off the porridge.


Add ordinary salt, butter, a little asafoetida and nori to the porridge. Close the porridge with a lid and let it brew for a few minutes so that the butter melts and the nori is wet. Another porridge can be cooked on the same principle - wheat and barley porridge with nori are delicious!


Serve porridge with raita, vegetable or lentil cutlets. Surprisingly, all the kids just love this mess!

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