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How to cut a pomelo

How to cut a pomelo
How to cut a pomelo

Video: How to cut a Pomelo 2024, July

Video: How to cut a Pomelo 2024, July

Pomelo, the greenish-yellow citrus giant, is increasingly gaining popularity among our fellow citizens, not inferior in taste to fruits such as orange and grapefruit.

Its cleaning will not take you very much time and will not bring trouble. Everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance, because cutting a pomelo is no more difficult than an orange.


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Instruction manual


Like any other fruit, first of all, you need to wash the broomstick. First cut off the “hat” or top of the fetus. Since the skin of the pomelo is quite thick, you can safely, without fear of damaging the pulp, cut 1.5-2 cm.


Make several vertical cuts, as if dividing the fruit into slices. Or make a spiral incision from the center of the top of the fetus to the very bottom. The depth of incision should be about 0.5 cm, depending on the size of the broom itself.


Now with your hands or, helping yourself with a knife, begin to remove the skin, separating it from the fetus. In the same way, the white layer between the skin and pulp is easily removed.


Having completely cleaned the flesh from the skin, divide it into slices. But this does not end there. To get rid of the bitter and astringent taste, it is necessary to remove the white film from the slices and remove the layers and veins (as when cleaning grapefruit). Now the fruit is completely ready to eat.


Please note that there are several varieties of pomelo. Fruits can be of different shapes, sizes and have a green, pink or yellow skin color.

Useful advice

1. If you just want to save time and not mess around with a full cleaning of the fetus, then you can just cut the broomstick in half and eat the pulp with a spoon, as if from a plate. You can add sugar to taste and desire.

2. Remember that the pomelo skin should be smooth or shiny. The maturity of the fetus is determined by aroma - if it is strong, then the fetus can be eaten.

3. Pomelo can be stored at room temperature for several weeks, and the peeled fruit - no more than 2 days, because it loses its beneficial substances and trace elements.

Pomelo, as a rule, is most often consumed raw, but this exotic guest will add a touch of mystery and charm to the composition of meat sauces, fruit desserts, fillings for bakery products or marmalade.


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