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How to make a delicious Opera cake

How to make a delicious Opera cake
How to make a delicious Opera cake

Video: Opera Cake Recipe 2024, June

Video: Opera Cake Recipe 2024, June

The matchless Opera cake can be ordered at almost any French restaurant. It has an unforgettable delicate nut-chocolate flavor and a wonderful aroma.

Before you start making this "masterpiece", you need to know that this recipe is not for lazy housewives, and you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 220 g eggs for biscuit

  • - 80 g egg yolk for biscuit

  • - 220 g almond flour for biscuit

  • - 175 g icing sugar for biscuit

  • - 160 g of egg white (125 g biscuit, 35 g in coffee cream)

  • - 565 g of sugar (100 g for biscuit. 150 g for impregnation, 170 g for coffee cream, 145 g for glaze)

  • - 100 g flour for biscuit

  • - 430 g of brewed coffee (400 g per impregnation, 30 g in coffee cream)

  • - 20 g of instant coffee (10 g per impregnation, 10 g in coffee cream)

  • - 170 g of dark chocolate (for ganache cream)

  • - 120 ml of milk (for ganache cream)

  • - 140 ml cream (40 ml in ganache cream, 100 ml in icing)

  • - 220 g butter (20 g in ganache cream, 200 g in coffee cream)

  • - 190 g of water, (70 g in coffee cream, 120 g in icing)

  • - 2.5 pcs. egg yolk in coffee cream

  • - 8 g of gelatin for glaze

  • - 50 g of cocoa for glaze

Instruction manual


In order to get the syrup, first brew ground coffee and add 2 tsp to it. instant coffee and 150 g sugar. Mix well.


Next, proceed to the biscuit. Mix flour and icing sugar, then sift the mixture. Add egg yolks and eggs there, beat for 10 minutes. In another bowl, whisk 125 g of protein to a thick white foam (to check if the foam is whipped to the end, you need to turn the bowl upside down, if the foam does not flow, then it is ready) and add 100 g of sugar.


Now combine the protein with the nut-egg mixture. To do this, put a little protein in a separate bowl and add the nut dough and mix everything. Divide the prepared mixture into 3 parts and bake 3 cakes at 200 degrees, 10-12 minutes. When the biscuit cools down, trim it by making an even rectangle.


To get ganache, chop the chocolate. Mix milk and 40 ml of cream and bring to a boil. Then pour this mixture into the chocolate and add 20 g of butter. Pour 20 g of water into the pan, add 50 g of sugar to it, bring to a boil.


Beat 35 g of protein, add 13 g of sugar, then pour this mass into sugar syrup, whisk until a thick foam. In another bowl, beat 2.5, egg yolks.


Pour 50 g of water into the pan and add 120 g of sugar, bring to a boil. Next, pour in whipped yolks and whip everything at high speed with a mixer. Then add the brewed coffee with sugar and 10 g of instant coffee there, whisk and gradually add 200 g of butter. Then combine with the previously prepared mass.


To prepare the glaze, soften the glaze plates in water. Pour 120 g of water, 100 ml of cream, 145 g of sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour cocoa into this mixture and mix. Remove it from the heat and add gelatin.


When everything is ready, start collecting the cake.

1 layer: biscuit. Soak it in syrup, prepared at the very beginning. Lubricate with coffee cream.

2 layer: biscuit. Soak in sugar syrup and brush with ganache.

3 layer: biscuit. Pour again the syrup and brush with the remaining cream and coffee cream. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

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