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How to make curd ice cream cake

How to make curd ice cream cake
How to make curd ice cream cake

Video: Vanilla Ice cream recipe | Ice Cream Cake Recipe | How To make Ice cream Cake 2024, July

Video: Vanilla Ice cream recipe | Ice Cream Cake Recipe | How To make Ice cream Cake 2024, July

The most common summer treat is, of course, ice cream. I suggest you make home-made curd ice cream cake.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - cottage cheese - 500 g;

  • - condensed milk - 1 can;

  • - any berries and fruits;

  • - sugar - 3 cups.

Instruction manual


The first thing to do is to pass the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it turned out to be too hard, then repeat this procedure. Then add the following ingredients to the curd: condensed milk and sugar. Mix everything well, then beat with a mixer. This is necessary so that there are no lumps in the mass.


Fruits and berries for this dish, choose according to your taste and season, for example, you can use blueberries, strawberries or raspberries. They must be thoroughly washed and cut, if, of course, it is necessary.


Cover the baking dish with cling film. Dessert must be laid out in layers, that is, alternating cottage cheese and berries. Decorate the resulting dish according to your desire, for example, grated chocolate. Send him to the freezer. There it should stand for at least 6 hours. Remove the frozen treat from the mold and boldly serve it to the table. Ice cream curd cake is ready!

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