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How to cook grilled kebab

How to cook grilled kebab
How to cook grilled kebab

Video: Perfect Chicken Kabob Recipe - Juicy Grilled Chicken Kabob 2024, June

Video: Perfect Chicken Kabob Recipe - Juicy Grilled Chicken Kabob 2024, June

Summer is a time of relaxation, campfire songs and romance. A complement to your evening will be the preparation of a culinary masterpiece - grill kebab. Fast and tasty!


Pick your recipe

You will need

Beef or veal - 2 kilograms, mutton fat tail - 550 grams, onions - 5 pieces, spices - to taste

Instruction manual


We twist the meat, half of the fat tail and onion in a meat grinder. In a convenient dish we knead the minced meat with our hands for as long as possible, until smooth, then we cover and knock it on the table so that the minced meat is enriched with air and is more magnificent.



Then we put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then we get the minced meat and carefully string it on skewers in small portions, as if enveloping layer by layer, alternating with thin plates of fat tail. Skewers need flat. Lula will fry faster on them, and it will be more convenient to sculpt.



After each layer, the hand is wetted in hot (hand-tolerant) water. We fry on hot coals.

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