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How to boil the paste?

How to boil the paste?
How to boil the paste?

Video: How to boil Pasta 2024, July

Video: How to boil Pasta 2024, July

Pasta has long been loved in our country by all gourmets and not only. In this article, I will outline quite simply and in detail all the principles and nuances that should be paid attention to when cooking this wonderful product.


Pick your recipe

1. Choosing a delicious pasta

Wheat variety

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the wheat variety, if the package does not say that the product is made from durum wheat, this will mean that pasta is both less tasty and less healthy.

Paste color

It should be with a dark yellowish tint without intersperses, if you see that the color is pale or light yellow, most likely there will not be anything tasty in the pack.


Durum wheat flour and water are all that you should find in the composition, otherwise we will not eat pasta.

In this article, we do not take into account various pastes, such as: funcheza (rice), soba (buckwheat), udon (eggs), spaghetti from spelled and others. Such pastes can contain a large number of ingredients provided by the technological process of production or included in the composition traditionally.

2. Preparation


Correctly cook the paste in a ratio of 1/100/10, this is 1 liter of water per 100 g of paste and, accordingly, 10 g of salt

Using weights is not so convenient at home, so use the following simple rules and you will succeed.

Plenty of water

Do not take a small pan, if you cook more than 3 servings of pasta, it is better to take more than less.


Try water for salt, the salinity of the water will be transferred to the paste, if the water is very salty or fresh, then the paste will be the same.

3. How long to cook

Al dente or complete brew?

It is only your choice. If you are a foodie and love al dente, it is important to know that if you eat the pasta right away, you should take it out when boiling it over the tooth.

There is only one way to determine this penetration, however trivial it is, try, as soon as it is pleasant to eat, it is ready.

If she will wait for guests hot in large quantities (several servings in one container) without sauce, in a colander and even without water, a large mass will have enough heat to cook itself. In this case, take out the undercooked paste a minute before cooking. Complete cooking is always indicated on the packaging of a good paste, if you start from this information, then you should take it out one and a half minutes before the time recommended by the manufacturer.

If there is a lot of pasta cooked, and the brewing is already sufficient, it is imperative to rinse it with cold water, the water will take away heat, of course, it must be drained and seasoned with vegetable oil in order to prevent sticking. This advice will protect you from the boiled sticky mass and your guests will always be delighted with your dish. Later, you heat the pasta sauce, add it inside and as soon as the pasta heats up, you can serve the perfect pasta.

If you like complete brew, the recommendations are as follows:

  • To withstand the cooking time recommended on the packaging. If there is a lot of pasta, and the guests do not sit down at the table soon, you must use the above method to save the pasta, the procedure will be the same as for the al dente cooked pasta.
  • The very choice of provarrowing does not have to be related to the term, what we call al dente, depending on the type of flour, producer and shape of the pasta, can fluctuate, but your feelings are the same. Provar either you like it or not, you also need to look at the preferences of the guests. If you like al dente, this does not mean that conservative guests who do not eat in restaurants but prefer home cooking will be delighted.

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