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How to boil pasta

How to boil pasta
How to boil pasta

Video: How to boil Pasta 2024, June

Video: How to boil Pasta 2024, June

It would seem that such a difficult thing can be in ordinary boiling pasta. But even the highest quality pasta can be turned inadvertently into a sticky brew, which is not just what it is, but it will be unpleasant to contemplate. Cook pasta so as not to spoil it at the same time.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • pasta
    • pan
    • salt
    • vegetable oil
    • butter
    • timer

Instruction manual


Before you start cooking pasta, be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations found on a bundle of products. For each type of pasta, a certain number of minutes is required to bring them to readiness and not digest at the same time. Thin vermicelli and rather plump rigattoni cannot be cooked alike.


Boil water, based on the calculation of 6 liters of water per 1 kg of pasta. Add salt and a little vegetable oil to the pan. Fill the pasta and mix it immediately so that it does not stick together.


Catch one pasta 1-2 minutes before cooking and try it. Properly cooked pasta is called so - "al dente", which literally means "by the tooth." The product should be soft on the outside, but remain hard inside.


Pasta has the property of reaching under the influence of temperature and after cooking, therefore, holding them on the fire for an extra minute, you risk digesting them.


Discard the finished pasta on a sieve, let it drain well. In a pan in which they were prepared, throw a piece of butter, let it melt, grease them with the bottom and walls of the vessel. Return the pasta to the pan, mix gently.


Ready pasta can be served as a side dish, or as an independent dish for lunch or dinner.


Soup pasta is better to boil separately and lay already in the finished soup. So you keep the broth transparent.

Useful advice

Sprinkle the grated cheese into the pasta and it will be a great meal on its own.

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