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How to determine the quality of honey at home

How to determine the quality of honey at home
How to determine the quality of honey at home

Video: Honey Purity Test - DIY | September 2020 2024, July

Video: Honey Purity Test - DIY | September 2020 2024, July

In the "Encyclopedia of beekeeping", published in 1876, but still not lost its relevance, information was first given about the falsification of honey. The book indicates that most often honey is made with sugar, diluting it with water to a state of syrup and adding all kinds of aromatic substances. This mass was mixed with real honey - at best. And in the worst - alum mixed with honey was harmful to health. Nevertheless, since then, the methods for counterfeiting an extremely useful product have improved. They began to use molasses, sucrose, starch and many other impurities. So how to distinguish natural honey?


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - water

  • - tea

  • - milk

  • - Fire,

  • - a thin wand.

Instruction manual


Honey, which contains additives, is unclear. It gives a precipitate, crystallizes or looks unnaturally whitish (if careless beekeepers did not let out bees to collect nectar, but fed them with sugar).


Real honey is very fragrant, but it is not a pungent smell. Honey with additives does not have an obvious aroma.


Real honey stretches after a long continuous thread, lowered into it by a thin stick, and when this thread breaks, it will completely lower and turn into a hill, which will soon spread out over the surface of the honey and become invisible. Fake honey dripping with a spray from a stick or dripping too thickly.


Real honey is easily rubbed between the fingers and even absorbed into the skin, like a cream. A fake product does not have such a delicate texture. It forms lumps - not pieces of wax, which is permissible, but dense clumps.


When stirring in tea, real honey does not precipitate, although the drink at the same time darkens and becomes cloudy.


You can add a drop of honey in a glass of water. If it is real, a drop will go to the bottom without dissolving.


If hot milk is curdled with honey, the product is diluted with sugar syrup.


On fire (for example, in a spoon above the stove burner), real honey will not burn with a blue flame, but will slowly char.


Over time, honey becomes cloudy, thickens, sugars. This is just a sign of high quality, not fakes!

If honey during storage is divided into two layers (thick from below and liquid from above), this also does not mean that the product is fake. However, such honey is considered immature, it quickly deteriorates and it is better to eat it as soon as possible.

Useful advice

Store honey must comply with GOST. On the label should be an indication of the number of this GOST. By the way, more than forty indicators are used to assess quality; accordingly, the more they are written on the bank - the better.

When buying honey in specialized "honey shops" it is worth paying attention to labels. White label - on the highest quality product; In addition, the variety, botanical type of honey, time and place of its collection, standard, name and address of the supplier company should be indicated there.

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  • how to determine the quality of honey at home
  • How to distinguish real honey from a fake

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