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Interesting facts about persimmons

Interesting facts about persimmons
Interesting facts about persimmons

Video: Interesting Persimmon Facts 2024, June

Video: Interesting Persimmon Facts 2024, June

Persimmon is a berry that is very popular almost all over the world. It is used in cooking, in medicine, in cosmetology. In total there are more than 700 different types of persimmons. What are some interesting facts about this berry?


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Persimmon is a very sweet berry. For this reason, in those days when Japan was a country closed to the rest of the world, this delicacy was used as a kind of analogue of sugar. Dried persimmon desserts were very popular among the Japanese.

A special astringent taste, which is characteristic for individual varieties of persimmons and for unripe fruits, is obtained due to the high content of tannins.

The true homeland of this golden berry is China. From there, persimmon first came to Japan, then spread to other Asian regions. Only in 1885 did people learn about persimmons in Western countries, and then she received well-deserved attention throughout the world.

A very popular variety of persimmons is the kinglet. Such a berry inside is dark and with seeds. A viscous taste is not at all typical for a king. This fruit variety grows only from male persimmon flowers.

A certain benefit of persimmon for human health lies in the fact that it cleanses the liver, removes toxins, and helps with intoxication. This berry is an excellent remedy against a hangover.

In eastern countries, there is a belief that in the trunks of trees on which berries ripen, genies and magic spirits live, which can fulfill a desire or prolong a person’s life. In addition, persimmon is a symbol of victory, wisdom, enlightenment, clairvoyance.

From Latin, the name of the berry is translated as "divine food." And in Persian, "persimmon" means "date plum."

Due to the increased amount of glucose, fructose and magnesium, persimmon is an effective natural antidepressant. Its use in food helps to resist stress, fight apathy, get rid of mood swings, strengthen the nervous system, and feel a surge of new strength and energy.

An amazing feature is the seeds of this berry. Eating them in their original form is not recommended. But if the bones are well roasted, ground and brewed with boiling water, then the resulting drink will not be inferior in its functions to the usual coffee.

Persimmon has a very low calorie content, despite the greater amount of sugar in its composition. Because it can be eaten by people who are trying to lose weight and are on a diet. In addition, this berry very well satisfies hunger.

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